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2 years ago

I was riding my Ilu when I saw these giant creatures flying in the air, their called Ikrans is what mother said. They were landing on our beach.

I stopped the Tsahaylu from my Ilu, diving into the water to get closer.

I came up from the water, moving my hair out of my face. I looked over at what seem to be the younger brother, he was already looking at me.

He moved his head to look at his feet.

I moved closer to the crowd, next to my brother, Anoung, and his friend Rotxo. They were both making fun of their tails. "How are they supposed to swim" Rotxo said. "Do not! Rotxo, Anoung!"

I stood next to the two dorks. The younger brother looked at me again, "hey" he said. This made me giggle and look down at my feet.

"Why do you come to us Jake Sully?"

"We seek Utturu" the father said.

"You're forest people, we're reef people. Your skills will mean nothing here"

"We could adapt, we will adapt"

My mother, the Tsahik, had moved towards the family. Grabbing the mothers tail. Then the youngest girl's arm."Their arms are thin, they will be slow in the water." She then grabbed the oldest daughters tail, "their tails will slow them down" the girl snatching her tail from my mother. She grabs the girls hands looking at them.

"These kids aren't even real Navi"

"Yes we are!"

"They have demon blood" she said holding up the younger boys hand. "Look look! I was born with the sky people, and I'm Navi now." The father showed his five fingered hand.

"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them like our own brothers and sisters. They will be like a baby taking their first breath. Teach them, so they don't feel the shame of being useless."

"My daughter, Tsireya and my son, Anoung, Will show your kids what to do." "But fath-" Anoung tried to protest but father shut him up quickly.

"Come I will show you our village!" I led the family the way to their Mauri, helping them carry some of their stuff.

The younger brother went to walk next to me. "Hey I'm Lo'ak" I smiled at him, "I'm Tsireya, as my father had said. Nice to meet you Lo'ak!"

From that day on me and Lo'ak became best friends, we always spend the day together. The family was never bothered again.


Today the tulkun had returned! I went around the village on my Ilu screaming "The Tulkun have returned! Our brothers and sisters are back!"

The Sully family have their own Tulkuns now, Lo'ak had Payakan, Kiri had mora, Neteyam with kinu, and little Tuk with Yun. Jake Sully had named his a weird name, it was billy. And Neytiri name hers after her Ikran that passed away in battle, Seze.

Lo'ak had convinced father Payakan wasn't a killer tulkun. Which made me happy he did, that was also the first time I started to have big feelings for Lo'ak.

I remember grabbing him talking about being an outcast, I had grabbed his pinky and looked into his eyes saying "I see you" he looked at me with his beautiful yellow eyes and smiled. That's when we really got close as friends. I had always hoped to be more than friends, but I don't think he feels the same.

"Tsireya let's go!" Lo'ak said hoping on his Ilu.

I followed him to the Tulkun. Once I had seen Askari, i swimmed to her giving her a hug. "Sister I have missed you, how was your trip?" I signed to her.

"It was great I even found a love intrest!" She said back in a cheerful yell.

I gasped in shock, "who is your love intrest?" I was really curious. "Payakan!" She yelled back.
"That's amazing sister!"

"Now it will make you and Lo'ak closer!" She tuned back.

"Shh! He might hear you!" I said blushing. Which of course I was right. Lo'ak was swimming towards me. He signed to Askari, "hello Askari! It's great to see you again."

She said hello back "I heard you and Payakan are in love!" He signed to her, "yes Payakan is great!" She said to him.

"Tsireya come say hi to Payakan with me!" He said taking off to his tulkun. "I'll be back sister!" I signed to her chasing after Lo'ak. "Wait up!" I yelled to him.

He stopped to let me catch up, "your Ilu is so slow!" He complained. "Leave her out of this skxawng!" I smacked him in the head.

"Hello Payakan!" I signed, "hello Tsireya! Has Lo'ak asked you out yet?" He yelled back me.

I looked at Lo'ak with confusion. "What does Payakan mean" I said smirking at him. "He doesn't mean that! He always playing tricks on me! He responded with a chuckle.


Throughout the day I spent it with Payakan and Askari. Lo'ak did bunches of flips off of Payakan, always belly flopping or back flopping into the water.

It was a great day!

First chapter!!! Yes I made Askari and Payakan lovers on purpose! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!!

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 - 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now