For a Better Future

Start from the beginning

Behind him, the Oseans' AWACS controller was leaning against the door frame, watching him with a tired look. He was a seemingly passive and friendly man, but judging from the way he'd been watching Schroeder since he arrived there he wasn't the kind of person that would take any double crossing lightly. Not that Schroeder had any intentions of that, but after being controlled and monitored by Parrish and the Radicals for so long it was enough to be a little unsettling. He couldn't exactly blame them for having a limit to how much they were willing to trust him after everything he'd been involved with.

Off in the corner of the room, Simon stood with his arms crossed, glaring at the AWACS controller – Lawson was what the patch on his chest said – with a look of both suspicion and contempt. He'd tolerated the man's presence only once Schroeder reassured him that he wasn't any kind of threat to them, especially considering he wasn't even carrying a gun himself. Simon wasn't exactly thrilled when he found out what Schroeder was going to help them do, but even he could see that there wasn't any other way out of this mess. He glanced at Schroeder every so often and kept quiet, but once Schroeder got to his feet all eyes were on him.

Schroeder waited a moment, then reached forward and pulled a hard drive out of the computer with his free hand, making his way towards Lawson with it in hand. Simon watched his every move and Lawson seemed to have zoned out until he noticed Schroeder, then he straightened up. Lawson nodded to the drive in his hands, stifling a yawn. "That's everything, then?"

"Yes. It's all the information I have to offer you," Schroeder told him with a nod. He held it up for him to see, then handed it over to him. "This is specifically information on the Ravens and their operating capabilities, notes, and the way the Z.O.E technology has evolved with them. I even have blueprints for you, if that helps. All of it is up to date information, which was one flaw in the intelligence your source offered you...nothing especially outdated on the ADF-11 but there were some improvements made."

"I can imagine," Lawson said, carefully taking the drive. "How long do we have?"

"If I'm correct – and knowing their capabilities, I'm certain I am – then they'll be waiting for the space elevator to come back on line," Schroeder explained. He glanced over his shoulder at one of the other computers, one of the ones that belonged here at the facility and not to him. He gave a sigh, turning back to Lawson. "By my understanding, roughly eight to nine hours without our interference. The Ravens are likely aware of may have looked like they withdrew, but I assure you they haven't gone anywhere. They'll be ready, and they'll likely find a way to transmit their own flight data to the other factories."

"Well...not as much time as I was hoping, but it's better than nothing," Lawson said, letting out a sigh of his own. He clutched the drive in his hands. "I'll probably need your help going through it. Can we count on you to give us a hand with the briefing? You'd understand better than I would."

Schroeder blinked, surprised they still wanted his help. He'd half expected them to get what they want and leave him here. Either that or lock him up. Maybe they were biding their time for both. He didn't entertain that thought for very long, shoving down his cowardice and hesitancy. He wanted to make things right. "I'll help out in any way that I'm able. Just let me know when you'll need me."

"Right. I will. Thank you, Doctor," Lawson said, giving him a tired smile which Schroeder saw little point in returning. His face turned serious again in an instant, though. "For now, just keep me posted on the space elevator's status. We need to know if anything changes and I know I don't have to tell you that we can't afford to miss our chance."

"I understand," Schroeder said with a stiff nod.

"Alright. Well, for now, I'm going to go and update everyone before we get to work," Lawson said. He shoved the drive into the pocket of his uniform, giving them both a brief nod farewell before he stepped out into the hallway and left them behind.

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