Chapter 12: Protecting Tazuna

Start from the beginning

'We don't need a list, Im fine how I am'

'Deep voice, Handsome, Bitchy....' I smirked when the perfect person popped up in my head, perfect.

'NOPE, We're NOT doing that, I don't wanna be THAT?!' Inner yelled, stomping her feet.

"Turn into Escanor, do it!" I yelled at Inner, I could hear my own voice this time.... I made a face and looked around to see three pairs of eyes on me, Kakashi merely glanced and raised an eyebrow but thought nothing of it.

"Who's Escanor Sakura-Chan?" Naruto asked, His Azure eyes gleaming in curiosity.

I twirled the edges of my non-existent mustache with a grin, I raised my hands up in the ram seal and performed a D-rank transformation Jutsu. I now stood at a total height of 10'8, Jacked as hell with rippling muscles all over my exposed torso. I looked down at the now small group, I was laughing my ass off as I spoke.

"Pardon me. I feel sick when I'm looked down on by someone smaller than me" The deep voice was foreign and sounded odd to my ears, The look on their faces had me rolling on the floor laughing. I released the Jutsu to reveal the same 5 '6 pink haired kunoichi. I was laughing so hard I never noticed the white hare was meant as a distraction. Kakashi's lone eye widened, he was shifting into a defensive stance.

"Everyone get down!" He yelled as he ducked, We followed suit seconds before a large sword lodged in the nearby tree. A man with wrappings covering his face stood on the hilt of the large blade, Killer intent leaking out of him like a river. Indeed the KI was strong but not strong enough to freeze me in my tracks.

Naruto and Sasuke were grounded in their spot, The blond was glancing around at Sasuke, seemingly nervous.

"Well, well, If it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the village hidden in the mist" Kakashi stepped forward, Changing his stance from defensive to normal slouch, Was I the only one who noticed how the Silver-haired man was tense, ready to strike at any moment?

"He's not like those other ninja, He's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent..." Kakashi trailed off, He raised the right side of his Hitai-ate to reveal a blood red orb... The Sharingan, Sasuke's eyes widened when he saw what was revealed, Shock, Anger and Melancholy were playing across his face.

"Ahh, Kakashi of the Sharingan, The man who mastered a thousand Jutsu, The friend killer"

"It's too bad, but you'll have to hand over the old man" Zabuza continued, his raspy voice adding to the whole 'scary man' effect.

"Manji formation, protect the bridge builder and stay out of this fight" Kakashi bellowed, Even though this was a serious time the only thing that came to mind was... MADARA.

'Inner you're gonna be Madara from now on, Pros: Kickass Cons: none' I couldn't help the giant grin that spread across my face.

'ARgh fine, but we're eating Mochi when we get home' Deal, I watched as Inner's form melted and reformed, Madara damn Uchiha was in my mind.

'Remember you promised' The grin on my face spread farther if that was even possible.

"What is with the grin on pinkie's face?" Zabuza's hoarse voice snapped me out of the trance.

'Use your promised power, you asked for the power to put it to work' Madara reminded, His deep voice commanding me. I blinked and my right eye felt tingly, I focused on Zabuza and was surprised at what I could see. There was a Jade box inside my mind, showing me the man's stats.


Zabuza Momochi:

Intelligence: 65

Strength: 35

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