Not far from them, Wanda sat down, staring lonely into the void.

So much time has passed.

All this time, Strange conjured his portals, but nothing came of it. Soon they heard rather loud exclamations of people. Everyone was talking about something and sighed in admiration. Sophie decided to check what was the matter.

"Excuse me." She approached one particularly agitated woman. "Could you explain what's going on."

"Oh, of course, dear," the woman looked at her, "a man appeared here 5 hours ago. And just now, he disappeared. We assume that he somehow found a way out of this place."

After these words, the woman turned away from Sophie and went into the thick of the crowd.

The girl ran back to the guys and told them what she had heard.

"He found a way out of this Quantum Realm," said Strange. "Then we'll be here for a little while."

The sorcerer offered to calm down and wait, and he decided to find a quiet place and think about ways to rescue all these people from the soul stone.

Wanda stayed with the other people who had disappeared, because, to her surprise, they relieved her pain a little, and Sophie and Bucky moved a little away, being alone.

"You know, so much has happened, so many emotions... I want to take a nap since we're expecting this witch doctor," Foster said, still holding Barnes's hand.

"Honey, I understand everything. You can lie down right here, I'll be there."

So Sophie fell asleep with her head resting on the man's lap. Although she slept for a short time by the standards of this unusual place, the girl saw a lot of dreams or visions.


"There is a new addition to our trinity!" Sophie said excitedly.

"Um, Sophie," Natasha said, hesitating, "Bucky and I aren't really friends."

"Yeah," Barnes said, "I don't think it's friendship."

Steve had nothing to say, he just stood and listened quietly.

"Well, friendship or not, now it's definitely about to be one! What's wrong? We will be a great team!" the girl had enough enthusiasm and positive for all four, so that they had no choice but to nod satisfactorily and hug, because Sophie loved hugs and was now in a hurry to enclose three of her friends in them.

"In cramped conditions, but not offended, as they say in our homeland. Right, Natasha?" the girl turned to the Black Widow without even looking at her.

Although she could not look: it would be simply inconvenient.

"Yes, that's right."


These "visions" changed very quickly. They seemed to take the girl into the past, but after that they returned to the present again, and then sent to the future.


"Sophie stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror and leaned her hands on the edge of the sink. In the reflection, she saw only her evil hypostasis.

"It's not me. It's not me. It's not me!" lowering her head and closing her eyes, the girl repeated to herself, trying to unsee this.

"No, it's you. Only you," suddenly answered her reflection.

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