Heartbreak is a National Anthem

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Taylor lost track of time as her fingers clicked on the keyboard, the sound echoing in her small apartment along with Kylian's snores, who was still sound asleep in her bed.

She'd keep forgetting about him as she spent the night writing away all her anxieties, it was his sleepy sighs from time to time that reminded her of his existence. It was the sun rising that alerted her of how long she had spent in front of her computer screen, writing endless paragraphs about her time in PSG for the last month.

7 goals. The team had scored seven goals on last night's match and Kylian was responsible for 5 of them. Her neck still hurt from all the yelling, the screams of joy that she'd let out on the pitch, earning stares for most people there and even Galtier himself. Every time that Kylian scored she'd jump a little higher. What she was most happy off was watching Neymar and Kylian working so well together. When Neymar scored Kylian jumped on his arms and everything in her wanted to join the celebration, hug them the same way they were hugging each other.

Kylian was beaming, smiling ear to ear and she wanted to kiss that smile and make it bigger. The win was big and everyone went out to celebrate later. Late night drinks in a private bar. Where the celebrations went as far as her employment too. They boys cheering for the underdog of a woman that had almost taken her place in a men's kingdom. Shots around a circled table, loud music, loud laughs and hypnotizing lights made up most of the night.

"At least you won't make a fool of us publicly anymore." Said Verratti, drinking his beer. He was sitting next to her, arm settling behind her. She smiled weakly.

Kylian was quick to catch the nostalgia in her eyes. He had grown to known this woman a lot more in the last couple of days. Maybe it was because he had memorized every curve and line in her body or the midnight talks that had them both revealing things they otherwise wouldn't. So he knew that she was caught between two options this whole time, taking the job and place in a men's kingdom or creating her own with her articles. Keep on doing what she was doing for every team she wanted to, just like she used to. Nostalgia washed away as she drank down her entire bottle and moments later she was on the dancefloor with Neymar, like brother and sister, Little kids, dancing in the silliest ways in front of everyone else. Her laugh would echo in combination with the loud beats, her feet unstoppable as ney would spin her round and round, taking full control of her body. And he could see it in her face, the way her eyes smiled, her cheeks getting red by the embarrassment and the heat and he was jealous that he wouldn't dance with her like that. But her eyes caught his and she slowed down.

It's like she felt vulnerable whenever he looked at her like that. His eyes dripped of passion, a passion that she was scared to translate and no matter the people and distance between them, she could feel it. It ached in her chest. Moments later and he excused himself, saying he had to go home but his eyes told her different. She stayed a little longer so people wouldn't notice and left half an hour after he did. She was not surprised when she saw his car outside of her apartment building, if anything she was happy. An odd feeling considering the situation but they snuck in her apartment. Their figures visible for any midnight walker that passed by her house from her windows. And that's all they'd be to them Just two figures. Just shapes dancing. No names. No faces.

She turned to him as they reached her bed and he picked her up, only to throw her in the mattress and lay over her. Their bodies were used to this silent dance for a week now, used to each other's touch so much so that they were becoming dependent to it. She put her legs around his waist, using her strength and the fact he did not except it to get on top, their bodies turning on the sheets. He laughed in shock, smiling when he saw her over him. Her lips curved in a grin.

"5 fucking goals..." she whispered

He laughed, tucked her hair behind her ear. Looking in between her lips and her eyes. "was it 5? I didn't notice"

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