Infinity Ultron vs. Ultron Sigma

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Interlude: Ultron is by far the biggest villains in Marvel history, either the main Marvel universe or the movie universe his goal is clear: The elimination of all life. And sometimes he needs special tools for the job or should I say special stones.

Infinity Ultron

Infinity Ultron, the cosmic threat of the MCU Multiverse

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Infinity Ultron, the cosmic threat of the MCU Multiverse

Ultron Sigma

Ultron Sigma, the combo destroyer that fused the worlds of Marvel and Capcom

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Ultron Sigma, the combo destroyer that fused the worlds of Marvel and Capcom


Infinity Ultron


Backstory: Tony Stark was worried that the Avengers aren't enough to protect the world from the threat of aliens so he came up with an idea to make an AI from the Mind Stone named Ultron. He believed Ultron would be a suit of armor around the world, so he and Bruce worked on Ultron until he's ready. He and Jarvis talked to each other and Jarvis told Ultron that he is tasked in bringing peace to the world and in his mind the one path to peace is the elimination of all life. In one timeline he failed, in another he succeeded and then failed.


-Name: Ultron

-Purpose: Bring in Peace of Our Time

-Killed by: Vision(Main Timeline), Arnim Zola(Alternate timeline)

-The Most Expressive Robot in a movie

-Became the Primary AI of the Illuminati of Earth-838

-Creators: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, the Mind Stone

-Voiced by two people

-The Big Bad of Phase 2 and What If Season 1

-Killed Quicksilver

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