Because of that kind of life. He was aloof with people around him. That's why, people think he's a snob and hard to be with. But the truth is he's just a shy type of person—introvert as they say. And it's because of his parents who always rejected him when he needed them. He was always scared of getting rejected by other people. Thanks to social media he only has the guts to make the first move online. By interaction through social media, he doesn't have to see their facial reactions when he starts approaching them. He can be whatever he wants to be.

He needs a friend.

That's why, it makes him smile when he sees his notification that someone has liked his old picture.. and he can't help but message the guy.

Dwight: Hello, are you stalking me?

He's not being serious with his question. He just doesn't know how to start a proper conversation. He thought, that if he messaged the guy with 'Hi!' there was a ninety percent tendency that the guy would ignore him. And, accusing the guy that he is stalking his profile will make the guy—named Joshua on his profile—confused and be forced to reply to his message.


On the other hand, Joshua is not smart and not as rich as Dwight. Their worlds are totally upside down. Joshua lost his father when he was ten years old. But his mother did everything to provide all his needs. In the day, his mother did laundry in five houses in the village. At night her mother was selling Balot in the street. Despite adversity, his mother, named Tanya, made it to enroll her only son in one of the most prestigious universities in the Philippines. The Apolo's University. She believes the best university will give her son the best future.

But Joshua didn't appreciate all the sacrifices his mother had for him. He said, 'Why do you want me to study at that university? We are not rich and you can't afford it. You can't even give me pocket money whenever I go to school!' And it hurts Tanya because she knows it's true, but she always endures all the insults coming from her own son's mouth. She thought, someday he will understand.

Because of his circle of friends at school. Joshua learns to hide his real identity–that he's not rich. He always goes with all his friends whenever they hang out, even though he really can't afford it. He has a talent that he can easily fool someone to pay for him in their gimmicks.

Maybe because Joshua is naturally charming. His smile is magnetic to many. He has a good voice that can attract all the girls. And he loves to joke around. He is fun to be with, that's why he has many friends in school.

But the smile and laughter are only a mask.

The truth is.. he is insecure about his friends. There are many things that he wants but he can't have.
Like the latest iPhone 12. All of his friends have an iPhone already, but his phone...never mind.

That school makes him feel pathetic. That school is a big fat stage and he was a clown, hiding his tears behind a mask.

"Balooott!" He shouted; announcing to people around the street in Escolta that he was selling one. He's selling balots because his mother has a fever that time. So, he had no choice, or else he got no allowance for tomorrow, especially since he and his circle of friends planned to hang out after school tomorrow.

It was midnight, so he assumed that all of his classmates or schoolmates who might know him were already sleeping at this very hour. But here he is. In the middle of the street, walking and holding a basket full of duck eggs, because he can't afford to sleep. He needs money that she can show to his friends.

If you were to ask him if he is tired? Yes, he is fucking sick and tired in this kind of life, but he has no right to sleep until all the duck's eggs in his basket was sold. Good thing, his school tomorrow starts at 2 p.m.

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