dinners & flashbacks

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When Olivia walked through her front door, she could already feel her mood changing. Dinner with the Cameron's was starting to approach, and she was already dreading having to sit in the same table as Sarah and Rafe, not to mention they would have to speak with each other to please their parents.

Olivia made her way to her dad's office, wanting to tell him she had arrived home and try to understand the reasoning behind the dinner. "Hey dad." She greeted, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Where's mom?"

"She's getting ready, you know how she is with these encounters."

"Speaking of... why?" He looked at her puzzled, not understanding her question and honestly, he didn't know if he wanted to understand. "Why do I have to go to business dinners at the Cameron's? I'm not a kid anymore."

"It's not a business dinner, they're friends of the family and you have to go because their kids are going too." He explained.

"It's because their kids are going that I don't want to go." Olivia insisted, earning an eye roll from her dad.

"Come on Liv, it's one night. Just a few hours, dress pretty and be nice and then we come home again. You won't have to see them for a while after that."

The Madden's and the Cameron's were longtime friends, their businesses complimented each other and aside from that, both families were good and honest people. She never told her dad what her falling out with Sarah was about and he never understood or truly wanted to understand. He thought the whole situation was childish and there was no reason for her not to be at their events together.

"Fine. One night, but please don't ask me to go again for a while."

Her dad agreed, telling her to go get ready, it wasn't long before they had to leave. Olivia walked to her room where she took a quick shower and dressed according to the occasion. If she was going to be forced to do this thing, she would at least have to look better than all of them.

"Olivia come on, sweetie." Her mom, Alice Madden, called.

"I'm going!"

Olivia left her room, only carrying herself and her phone in her hand, walking downstairs as quickly as she could. She was wearing a pretty, yellow, summer dress and flat shoes, Olivia knew her mom was pleased with her wardrobe choice as soon as she saw her face.

"You look beautiful." Her mom complimented, hugging her soon after.

The three of them left the house and walked, only for a couple minutes, until they reached the Cameron's place. It looked the same as always, one of the biggest and prettiest homes in the Outer Banks. Olivia exaggerated a sigh, not only because she was trying to prepare herself but also because she felt nervous. She never got to finish the conversation with John B and JJ about the back-up generator Sarah had given them, was she trying to apologize for leaving them?

They were greeted by Rose, who opened the front door for them, leading the family to the living room. "So glad to see you, sweetie." Rose smiled at Olivia.

Olivia smiled back, the anxiety she was feeling was starting to get the best of her and that's the best response she could've given in that moment. The three of them started talking and Olivia zoned out for a few seconds, she looked around the living room, taking in the familiar sight and noticing the new things Ward and Rose acquired for the home, in an attempt to distract herself.

"If it isn't Olivia Madden." A voice chuckled behind her. "It's a pleasure seeing you here."

"The feeling isn't mutual." Olivia glared, not in the mood for any type of interaction with him.

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