7. Fire with fire

Start from the beginning

"The King has not mentioned this arrangement." Otto replied.

"Perhaps I should wait until the King is better." Cregan stated earning a shake of the head from Alicent.

"No need, we shall discuss this now. Please, take a seat, Ser Cregan." Alicent begged causing Cregan to sigh before sitting down in a seat across from Alicent.

"I do not know what my husband, the King, has promised you but I will be betrothing Rhaella to my son, Aemond to keep the Targaryen line pure." Alicent informed Cregan.

"I apologize for allowing you to travel all this way with the intention of betrothing my daughter but I must do right by my family."

Cregan stared at Alicent in disbelief. He was set to marry Rhaella since they were ten and three.

There was no way he was allowing Rhaella to stay a second longer in King's Landing when she belonged in Winterfell with Marjorie. And with him.

"In all due respect, Your Grace, the King has promised my father that we'd be betrothed and I will not leave King's Landing without taking Rhaella as my lady wife." Cregan stated as he stood from his seat.

"I am in love with Princess Rhaella. I have been completely infatuated with her the moment my eyes set on her. She is the only one that has captured my heart and will be the only one I want to mother my children. Please allow me to betroth the Princess." Cregan begged the two.

Alicent glanced to her father with uncertainty. She did not want to send her daughter away when there was still a debt to be paid for the abuse Aemond had suffered.

"We will discuss it with the King, Lord Cregan. I hope you enjoy your visit in King's Landing." Otto spoke kindly before dismissing Cregan.

The Lord of Winterfell stormed down the corridor, wanting nothing more than to leave King's Landing with Rhaella and Marjorie.

Soon enough, he arrived in the training ground, where Rhaella was practicing her archery until Marjorie had informed Rhaella of her brother's presence.

Rhaella set her bow down before turning to Cregan with a small smile.

"I hope my mother was not troublesome." Rhaella smiled at her betrothed.

"I'm afraid she will not allow us to marry. She plans to marry you to Aemond." Cregan whispered so no one else could hear.

"What? No, she cannot do this to me. Has she spoken with my father?" She asked worriedly.

"No but she would not allow me to speak with the King. Maybe it's best if you attempt to inform him of your mothers wishes." Cregan told his betrothed.

"I will try but I cannot promise anything. If we must, we'll marry at Dragonstone. Rhaenyra will give her blessing." Rhaella reassured her betrothed before turning to Marjorie.

"Mars, will you take Cregan to his resting chambers? Ser Criston, will you come with me?" She asked her protector.

"Of course, Princess." Ser Criston nodded while Marjorie took her brother to his chambers.

"Do you have any idea why my mother is refusing my marriage to Lord Cregan?" Rhaella asked as the two walked to her father's chambers.

"No but I do have my suspicions." Ser Criston replied with his hands behind his back.

"Which are?" Rhaella asked as she looked to Ser Criston.

"I believe she wants to keep you here in order to control you. Without you, she has no power over you." Ser Criston whispered as they passed many guards.

"She may also want you to pay for the debt that is to be paid for Prince Aemond's eyes." Ser Criston muttered as he glanced at Rhaella.

"And she wants me to betroth Aemond to repay that debt." Rhaella breathed out in realization.

"I cannot allow her to jeopardize my chances of an actual enjoyable future." Rhaella scoffed as she picked up her pace.

The guards stood in front of her fathers chambers opened the doors for her.

"Thank you." She smiled at the two before entering the room.

Small gasps were heard from the bed and she silently prepared herself for the sight of her father before approaching the bed.

"Father." She breathed out at the sight of her father.

Tears slowly filled her eyes as she reached a hand for his.

"Who goes there?" He breathed out tiredly.

"Rhaella, Your Grace." She forced a smile as she wiped away her tears with her free hand.

"Rhaella, my sweet girl." He smiled delightfully.

"Lord Stark has arrived from Winterfell, father. To discuss the details of our wedding with you." Rhaella informed her father.

"Why... why has he not been brought to me?" He asked breathlessly.

"The Queen thought it'd be best if she and the Hand dealt with the negotiations of the wedding." Rhaella whispered softly.

"They will take care of the matters, Rhaella." Viserys breathed out.

"That is the issue here, father. Alicent wishes to wed me to Aemond when I have already been promised to Lord Cregan. You must make this right, father. Please." Rhaella begged sadly.

"I will do what is best for you, sweet girl." Viserys called out before falling asleep.

Rhaella stood beside her father for a moment before leaving him alone in his chambers.

As Rhaella stepped foot out of her fathers chambers, she had seen the solemn face of Ser Criston.

"What is it, Ser Criston?" She asked as she stared at him.

"It seems that the Sea Snake has received a fatal grave wound in battle in the Stepstones. Ser Vaemond Velaryon is petitioning for him to be the heir of Driftmark." Ser Criston informed the Princess.

"He's questioning Luke's legitimacy and in addition Jace's and Rhaenyra's claim to the throne." Rhaella muttered in realization.

"And it's postponing Lord Stark's petition for you to wed." Ser Criston frowned causing Rhaella to clench her jaw.

"I will be betrothed to Ser Cregan Stark. Even if it means I must do so without the Queens permission." Rhaella spat angrily before she turned to Ser Criston.

"Let us hope it does not come to that, Princess." He told the Princess as the two walked side by side down the corridor.

"And if it does? Will you be there or will you stand by my mother's side?" She asked as she raised a brow at Ser Criston.

See Criston stared at her for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"The King had me sworn as your protector, Princess. If it comes to it, I will choose you." Ser Criston reassured the Princess.

"Thank you." Rhaella smiled before the two continued their venture down the corridor.

Alicent had just declared war she was going to lose terribly.

Like they say.

If you fight fire with fire, you may end up with ashes.


cregan and rhaella make me have bipanic

also, ser criston's development in this book >>

what do you think will happen next chapter?

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