A Broken Brony Heart

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    I slammed my hands down on my desk. This can't be happening. I stared at the screen in front of me, horrified by what was happening to my favorite pony series. The story was in the same universe as gen 4, causing all kinds of problems. Make your Mark absolutely retcons the last couple of seasons of gen 4 and all that the main six worked for in the original story line. So much of Equestria's lore has been ignored, even in just the first gen 5 movie. The entire series is based on nostalgia baiting, there's no heart- no soul put into this horrible series.

I clenched my fist as a single tear slowly made its way down my cheek. The credits rolled. I took my arm and ran it across my desk, knocking all of my precious pony merchandise onto the floor. A glass jar shattered.

My dumb mom came rushing in to see what was the matter. I glared at her as I bared my teeth. Still an alpha, no longer a brony. I thought to myself as my mother left the room in absolute horror like the beta she is. I sighed and looked my wife, Fluttershy, in her plush eyes one last time before throwing her into the garbage. I loved Flutty but I couldn't bear to support the makers of mlp any longer.

I grabbed a garbage bag from underneath my desk and started to sweep all the figurines and stuft animals into it. My rage lasted a few nights till I was finally in an acceptable enough mood to leave my room. After leaving, I snuck into my little sister's room and stole her makeup. I knew that after such a heartbreak there was only one option left. I'd become an emo.

I snuck back into my room, my shirt filled with smuggled makeup, and sat down in front of my mirror. I quickly noticed that the mirror was Twilight Sparkle themed and smashed it with my bare fists. I did get an ouchy btw.

I used a shard of mirror to look into to apply the eyeliner heavily around my eyes. I used that stuff that you put all over your skin too. I forgot what it's called. Ya'know that stuff? Like that you put on your whole face and it's the color of your skin??

Then, I was ready. I looked through my bookshelf of pony books and tore them apart with my teeth. After looking through my entire bookshelf I finally found it. Twilight. I pulled it down from the top shelf and began to read. Bella was just like me for real. She is so lonely and misunderstood and nobody likes her. That was when I decided that I would become a vampire.

I got out my My Little Pony nail file and sharpened my front teeth. I painted my nails black and closed my blinds– so I wouldn't sparkle in the sunlight. However, I knew that in order to truly be a vampire I'd have to drink human blood. Just then, as if it were a sign sent from Edward Cullen himself, my mother barged into my room.

I growled at her in a low, vampirey voice. "What's wrong honey?" she asked me. She had no idea how much was actually wrong, what I'd gone through in the past few days. I quickly leapt forward towards my mumsy, teeth shining in the sunlight that the open door had let into my room. Then I drinked her blood.

She ran out of the room, screaming something that I couldn't understand because of my transformation taking place. Then I ran out of the house, never to look back.

My name is Finley Scuttlebutt and that's the story of how I became a super scary vampire.  

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