003. disaster struck

Start from the beginning

roslyn grabbed harrys hand and started dragging him behind her while they ran. fire was everywhere, everywhere they turned more would just appear. screaming people who were scared were running around, tramperling and pushing each other. it was almost impossible for them to stay on their feet.

there was a group in the distance, one that was dresses in tall hats and completely in black with what looked like a skull mask. they held torches that were shooting out fire. they were walking quickly, roslyn tugging harrys hand "harry, come on!"

harry nodded and they ran hand in hand. they felt safer when holding each other even if it was as simple as holding hands. it was the only way they felt that they'd survive.

they almost managed to make it back to the group however everyone was blocking them. they were pushing and shoving. they are trying hard, but the people in panic made it ten times worse.

"YOUVE GOT TO KEEP UP!" they shouted at the pair as the two tried to push through the people but they couldn't. someone had tripped them up and they rolled to the floor, getting trapped on the ground.

they heard their names being called but they couldn't get up for a solid moment. they crowd had driven them away. roslyn and harry managed to quickly crouched and slip through the peoples legs to the side, taking a deep breath as they got by a tent.

"keep up?" roslyn said in disbelief, almost completely out of breath "how on earth can we keep up with people like that!"

harry nodded "we can, come on." the boy grabbed the girls hand again, pulling her back to the crowd and running with the crowd. people were in complete and utter fear.

more and more fire was blocking off pathways, causing people to be changing direction and all running in opposite ways. the pair got tripped up again, and forced apart as they rolled around on the ground.

they were trampled on, they tried to crawl but people didn't seem to care that two young teenagers were struggling to get themselves to safety. people were too busy worrying about survival. roslyn couldn't blame them but still it was a heartless act of theirs.

she was kicked around and her head had hit a wooden beams of a tent. she groaned, her vision going wonkey. she looked around and the world seemed to spin. she felt that she was moving but she wasn't. her eyes went in and out, in and out. eventually they closed and she didn't open them for a while. her consciousness left her.

when she next work up, it was the sound of something loud. there was a particular sound to it as if something had entered the sky.

she groaned but didn't open her eyes because she felt her head pounding. that wasn't until someone was tapping her shoulder rapidly "roslyn! rose!"

it was harry, she opened her eyes, her head still pounding. harry looked scared and was already pulling her off the ground before her voice box could even produce a sound "harry-?"

"roslyn, we've got to go!" harry gripped her hand firmly and started running. she was a bit wobbly but she got the hang of it after a moment.

she looked behind her, something green in the sky and a dark figure following them. if harry had got her up and running this quickly, she knew that it wasn't good. it probably wasn't going to be a person likely to help them at all.

then, they heard the sounds of someone calling their names. the pair could swear they never felt such relief in their lives "HARRY? ROSE?"

the figure began too look more like a man as he continued walking towards them. harry pulled roslyn behind an wrecked tent.


that seemed to scared the man off. he quickly started walking back before running away, disappearing in the wreckage.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒, harry potter ² Where stories live. Discover now