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Psykos's POV

I was looking at my precious daughter, when a memory came to my mind, the memory of how I ended up with such a beautiful and adorable little girl.


I had just battled with two powerful s-rank heroes, I was even holding my own with them but unfortunately my fused body was taking too much damage, so I unfortunately had to leave the fusion and go into hiding, it was during that time when I realized something, there was no way I could complete my goals and defeat the hero association, not with the way things were now. But then it hit me, what if I created being, a monster no, a god, a God so powerful that no hero or monster combined would be able to even think of defeating it.

I immediately began several tests, each one was conducted to maximize the maximum potential I could create for a creature, eventually, out of all of my theories and equations, one clearly stood above all other possibilities, a being whos DNA what is mainly comprised of my own, as well as that of orochi the old monster King, however that alone wouldn't be enough, but it was a start.

After weeks of testing, I made one of my  unfertilized eggs the main basis of this entity, however, it was still unfertilized, I then used some spare "DNA" from orochi to fertilize the egg, and just like that I had begun to make life, I then went through all of my cabinets and storage units, each and every one containing vials of different entities blood types, through some unconventional means, an example being waiting until the right moment to snatch some of bang's DNA from strands of his hair, I had acquired the DNA of every single hero from the lowest class C to the highest class S, even the DNA of the legendary King, and the DNA of the legendary blast as well. However, of all the heroes DNA samples, the most finicky and unusual of them was the DNA sample of a b class hero known as Saitama.

However I swept the thought under the rug for now, as there was much more than just human blood added to this entity, I added the DNA of every monster in the monster association, the DNA of Garou, the hero Hunter who fought orochi and survived, I had also collected the DNA from multiple extraterrestrial specimens from the wreckage of City A, one of these being a chard and drained corpse of an entity I can only presume to be the leader of these aliens.

Once I had all of the DNA needed, I added this DNA to my ultimate creation, and I watched as this entity became powerful even as a newborn. After a while, I used a method of accelerating the newborns growth rate until it was the size of a child, as for some reason, whenever I tried to accelerate the child past the child stage of life, it somehow rewound it's bought me back to its childlike state, not that I'm arguing though, as it is a child, perfectly naive, impressionable and if you're able to find a way to control it, very obedient and obsessed with making their parents happy.

Eventually, within a week, I have created the ultimate specimen, Project E.R.I.S.B.

Or the Extraterrestrial Reengineered Intellectual Superior Being, the ultimate creation, something worth my time and efforts, the ultimate fruit of all labors, finally, I would have an indestructible and undefeatable weapon to destroy the hero ass...

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Or the Extraterrestrial Reengineered Intellectual Superior Being, the ultimate creation, something worth my time and efforts, the ultimate fruit of all labors, finally, I would have an indestructible and undefeatable weapon to destroy the hero association and remake all of society.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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