Captain Scarlet &Mysterons' 3rd A

15 3 3

Enjoy this you guys:

"What's your name then? I'll see how you like being called something you don't like!" Eliza snapped.
"Good luck with that, you'll only ever address me as Captain Turquoise" Alix smirked.
"Wait, Captain Turquoise?" Eliza asked shocked.
"Yes, that's my name, what are you deaf?" Alix asked confused.
"THE Captain Turquoise?" Eliza asked with a wicked grin on her face
"That is I" Alix replied looking rather concerned at the child.
"So YOU'RE Alix Grey?" Eliza asked.
"Yes, why?" Alix asked taking a step back.
"AUNTIE ALIX!" Eliza yelled jumping onto Alix with a massive grin. Alix simply peeled Eliza off and dropped her on the floor.
"Wait, that's another one of your mum's siblings?" Daniel asked confused.
"Her mum is one of 15, there are a lot of people to remember" Calum warned.
"Who are you? You look a lot like Sophia, one of my biological sisters, no, you're almost identical" Alix asked looking closely at Eliza.
"My mum is Sophia Taylor, her maiden name is Tracy" Eliza informed.
"Oh, that explains it" Alix scowled.
"I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Eliza yelped.
"Likewise" Alix replied completely monotone.
Eliza shrieked in happiness and attempted to hug Alix who just sidestepped to avoid the incoming hug.

A/N: Sadly Xena has been busy with life this year (yes she has one) so no sneak peek from her this time.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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