chappy 1

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Rose - what party ! When
Lisa - tomorrow
Jennie - for what
Lisa - Jin oppa is going to be announced as the mafia king of BTS
Jennie - he deserves
Rose- yes and our parents also wanted to tell us something
Jennie - in our mafia group who will be the queen
Rose-we have not decided yet
Lisa - Jisso unnie
Jennie - but she is not a mafia she don't do all these type of works
Rose - we will train her
Lisa - jin oppa can train her then she will be expert
Rose - she is our sister though smart like us
Jennie - yes but I am curious what eomma and aapa wants to tell us
Lisa- we will get to know that tomorrow
BTS side
Jisso- Ruby eat your lunch don' t run
Ruby - I don't want to eomma( baby voice )
Jisso-then I will tell your boyfriend to breakup with you ( she calls tae her boyfriend Ruby is just 3 years old )
Ruby - no eomma I will eat ( baby voice )
Jisso - look your boyfriend is here
Tae - hey Ruby
Ruby- hello tae
Jisso-Ruby I told you thousand times that we should not take our elders name call him tae uncle
Ruby - eomma you are talking about elders he is my boyfriend
Jisso-do you know the meaning of boyfriend
Ruby- yes a person who loves you is your boyfriend
Tae-Ruby it means your appa jimin jungkook all are your boyfriends
Ruby-yes I am world wide beautiful
Jisso - like father like daughter
They laugh jin also comes for lunch
Jin- Ruby I bought you some chocolates
Ruby- thank you appa see eomma is scolding me
Jin- hey babe why are you scolding my world wide beautiful daughter
Jisso-you also want some scolding
Jin-no no I am fine let's eat
Jisso - wait let eomma appa jimin jungkook come then I will serve
Tae - they will come you serve nonna
They ate the lunch

To be continued 😊
I will write the full party tomorrow

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