The Makeshift Chapstick of Babygal

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As soon as 'Aunty' Vidhi left, Yahvi had to get ready for work. As she pulled on her lingerie, sharav casually walks in the room. "Baby, what are you wearing?" Yahvi screamed."HOLY PUSSY, BABY! CALME THE DICK DOWN! GOSH." Sharav was offended. "WHats wrong hottie?"Yahvi shouted, "Get out of my room your PERVERT!!! IM CHANGINGGG!!!!!!!"*crickets chirping, vidhi aunty going to buy aspirin*"Babygirl.... I have seen your tits and kitties..... why are u so scared?"Yahvi considered. "well.... well. well, yk... it's different."Then Ibrahim walked in. As soon as he saw half-naked Yahvi, the idiot started whistling.Sharav threw his baby gal's Vogue at him."what???" Ibrahim said. "I can't whistle at naked hotties no more 🥺?""NO MAN THATS MY GIRLFROND".Ibrahim smirked. "Not anymore, I've been satisfying her more than you could ever."Sharav opened his mouth, abt to say smth when:"GUSY I NEED CHAPSTICKKK!!!" Yahvi whined."Allow me," Said Ibrahim, ever so chivalrous.Sharav rolled his eyes. "Ibrahim, the size difference in our height is like the size difference in our dicks. Shut up. She's MINE.""GUYS, JUST GET OUT!!!" Yahvi shrieked."BUT WE ALL HAD SEX TOGETHER"- IbrahimSharav considered. "well.... well. well, yk... its different."Yahvi rolled her eyes and continued readying herself for work.Then Sharav, bless the brainless boy, though out loud, "why is baby gal wearing lingerie to work?"Yahvi and Ibrahim heard him (because no brain remembers)Then Yahvi confessed..."baby... I work at the strip club. As a-a-a s-s-s-s-stripper..."

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