sad niall imagine

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You were 17 years old and you lived alone in London. You decided to go to the park and sit down underneath the tree you and your best friend Ashleigh use to sit. You and Ashleigh knew  each other all your lives and last year she moved away to Liverpool. Obviously you were upset but you moved on and so did she. But suddenly this man comes and sits next to you under the tree. He looks familiar to you. You thought that he was in one direction and then you thought 'na mate he probably won't be' then he spoke saying "hi I'm Niall Horan" you said " h-hi I'm (y/n)." He said "how old are you?" You said " I'm 17 years old" Niall says "AW you have a beautiful name by the way" you say "thanks" you were so excited that you were talking to Niall from one direction. You tried to contain your excitement. You were acting like you didn't know him but secretly you had a crush on him. Then he said "do you live near this park?" You say "yes I live across the road." You 2 talked for hour and hours. It is now 7pm and it is getting dark really fast. So you decided to go home. Niall said "hey (y/n) can I have your phone number please"you said "yes sure just type in your phone number " so you handed him your phone and he typed it in. Then you both said your goodbyes and of you went in your separate ways. When you got home it was about 7:06pm and straight away you text Niall. You text him saying "hii it's me (y/n) from the park" he replied saying "hii would you like to come to my consent tomorrow night I have got 6 tickets front row!!" you replied "yes please" he replied " ok Do you know where twickenham stadium is?"you said "yes" he texts back saying "ok the concert is there tomorrow" you reply "ok my friends and I will walk there for 5 gtg now my phone is gunna die bye" he replied "ok cya tomorrow" so then you put your phone on charge and did all your usual stuff then you went to bed. It was Friday your last day of school as you turned 18 today as well. So it was the best day of your life. You had maths,science then performing arts. 'Great' you were only looking forward too performing arts so they went fast. The came break 1 and you were in the café with your 5 good friends Jack,Ewan,Hannah,Ruby and Gemma and you guys all love 1D (ik it is weird for boys to like 1D) then you ask them "hey guys I spoke to Niall Horan himself and he said he has 6 free front row tickets for us and I accepted them" jack says "omg really" as you had the tickets on you, you pulled them out and said "yes really" and you guys all screamed and the whole café went quite and then 10 seconds later you all laughed.Then the bell rang, crap you had English then food technology. You hated them both ALOT! The lessons went very slowly. Then came break 2 came and you told your friends more information about tonight. Then you told your friends to meet u at your place for about 4pm so then you could walk down. It was only a 10 minute walk so you had plenty of time. You had P.E last. P.E was alright as long as you were inside. Then the bell went to signal the end of the lesson. You rushed home and got ready. Then your friends all came over with their 1D tops on and then you left for the stadium. The gates opened at 5 and it was 4:59 so it was close. So you guys were talking for the minute then the gates opened. You guys got really excited. *in the concert* it is coming to the last song which was best song ever. You guys loved that song. Then they finished the concert. You guys went home. Then you went to bed still excited from the night. You woke up to a loud knock on the door, you opened it and saw Niall. You let him in and you 2 sit on the sofa and he said "(y/n) I have known you for 2 days and you are my best friend but you know I have to go on tour and I'm going to miss you a lot" you let out a small sigh and said " I will miss you a lot as well " Niall says " I love you" then you are in shock and then you said " I love you too" then he says "why don't we be boyfriend and girlfriend then!!" You are in tears of joy and say "yes I always wanted you to ask me that" then he hugs you and then kisses you for a long time. Then you pulled away and then Niall said "tomorrow night are you able to drive down to Cardiff as I got you in for backstage passes" you said "yes"  *the day of the concert*  you got ready to drive down to Cardiff, you had your denim shorts on and a nice crop top and you loosely curled your hair. While you were driving down you were texting Niall and then suddenly you went into a bush and you got rushed to hospital, you have heart surgery but it's not good enough but the boys, you're siblings and your best friends are there. They are all praying that you will stay alive "please just give us another chance please just one more" says jack while tears were streaming down his face and moments later he broke out into a sob. Ruby says "she was the closest friend we all had she was full of happiness and ...." Ruby could not finish her sentence because you woke up and they all cried with happiness and joy.  "We are so glad you're awake (y/n) please just give us one more chance" says Hannah " I will try my hardest to stay alive Han" you say. After a couple of hours your siblings, best friends and the boys except Niall went as Niall was staying overnight with you. Then after the long night Niall woke up before you and you normally wake up earlier than him. Then you finally woke up and then you only lived an hour then your heart monitor went all funny.

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