Chapter Three

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Nate flipped through the channels aimlessly. There really wasn't going to be much to do here in the evenings, especially when the days were still fairly short. At the end of March, this far north, it was full dark early in the evening. Whatever work he did, it would be during the day. It was becoming very clear that after dinner he'd either spend his time here, in the den, or upstairs in his room reading or working online.

He'd rather be upstairs, putting his thoughts together, but on the off chance that Maggie might come in, he stayed.

He had questions, and the answers could get him started in the right direction. Not to mention the fact that he'd enjoyed their little interplay in the kitchen earlier. It had been a long time since he'd indulged in a little harmless flirtation.

Maggie entered with a coffee carafe and mugs on a tray. She put them down on the coffee table. "I thought you might like some coffee," she offered. "I made a fresh pot and promise not to break any more mugs." She smiled tentatively.

The brew smelled wonderful and Nate brushed aside the thought that he'd be up all night if he drank too much of it. He wasn't about to refuse the gesture. If nothing else, it would give him more time with her, and that wasn't a hardship. "That would be wonderful." When she poured the first cup, he nodded to the second. "Are you joining me?"

She smiled. "If you like."

Nate looked up into her eyes. They were warm and friendly with something more. Perhaps a shy invitation, definitely a quiet curiosity. "I would like." He returned her smile. "It's quiet. The company would be nice."

Maggie took her own cup and sat, not on the sofa next to him, but in a nearby chair. Nate was taking up the couch and she was far too aware of him to sit next to him. In the winter months, this room became the family room, and she often snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and a DVD. In season, it was where the guests went to relax.

Normally she didn't socialize with her guests, either. But normally, her guests didn't travel alone at the end of winter. She was accustomed to guests traveling in pairs. A romantic getaway, or a stop on the way somewhere else. Very rarely did she have singles, and when she did, it was nearly always in prime season when they were out exploring the area or the nearby Rockies, or when other guests were present to facilitate conversation.

But Nate was definitely here alone. She'd noticed the absence of a wedding ring at dinner.

"This gives me a chance to pick your brain," he was saying, and she stopped staring at his hands and paid attention. The tingling sensation that he was more than he seemed prickled once more.

"Pick my brain?"

"About things to do while I'm here."

She exhaled slowly. Just tourist information, then. She'd had the uncomfortable feeling after their interchange in the kitchen that he was about to get personal. "Well, there are always day trips into the mountains. I have pamphlets, but there are lots of winter activities there." She crossed her legs, adopting the tour-guide voice she used with guests. "Or a few hours either northeast or south will take you to major cities for shopping, the arts, whatever you want."

"I meant more locally. What I can do with Mountain Haven as my base." Nate put down his cup and leaned forward slightly. He wasn't going to let her off the hook, it seemed.

Maggie swallowed. His voice was deep and a little rough all the time, it rumbled with soft seduction through the room. The remembrance of her finger against his lips rippled through her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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