004: grand betrayal

Start from the beginning

ARACELY: Billy asked who Mara's father was. When I told him, I saw him become angry. Not because he was jealous, but because he could assume what had happened. We stood there for a few minutes in silence, that's really all there was to it.

BILLY: I knew what happened to Aracely, and it enraged me. It enraged me that a man could harm and take advantage of someone that didn't deserve it. I just held her as she cried in my arms. I promised her to never tell anyone, she had my word.

A few weeks later, and after some convincing, Teddy Price agreed to listen to the band play. There they signed a record deal, with the one and only Teddy Price.

ARACELY: It took a lot of convincing, Teddy was being stubborn. He thought the band wouldn't do me justice, since I was already making it on my own.

BILLY: He heard us play, and I just knew we blew him away. We took the chance, and we nailed it.

Teddy agreed it was finally time for the band to make an album. There the six of them were in the studio singing and playing their hearts out. It took them six days to record the album, and then they were going to go on tour in a matter of two weeks.

CAMILA: I found out I was pregnant while they were recording the album. I was petrified, I didn't even know if this is what Billy wanted.

BILLY: We got married that same day. I loved Camila, so I married her.

ARACELY: I was happy for them really, I just think Camila wasn't aware of what she was signing herself and the baby up for.

While on tour, Billy began sleeping around with a bunch of groupies. He'd miss calls, and ignore Camila. Until she finally showed up and caught him in the act.

CAMILA: My heart broke, it truly did.

EDDIE: Some people just don't realize how lucky they are. Camila was everything, and Billy didn't even seem to appreciate her.

ARACELY: It was horrible. I felt horrible knowing I didn't speak up, I wanted to. Believe me, I wanted to. That day, I told Karen that if she ever pulled some shit like that with me I'd never forgive her.

KAREN: Aracely and I were secretly dating during all of this. It broke her knowing that she couldn't tell Camila, to be honest it hurt me too. I liked Camila, but I did what everyone did.

Camila told Billy he had until the baby came to straighten up his act. She would not let him end up like his father, she would not let him make the same mistakes. Billy missed the birth of his daughter and instead went to rehab. When he returned, he said it was time to end the band.

GRAHAM: Of course I was disappointed. My brother didn't show up to the birth of his daughter, went to rehab, and now he was walking out on us. We were family...you don't walk out on family.

KAREN: I had hope that this band would be different. I guess I was wrong.

ARACELY: Karen and I got an apartment and every now and then the others would crash there. We didn't know what to do, the band was our purpose. Without Billy we weren't a band.

A few months passed, and Billy wrote a song. He called everyone into the living room, and he played it.

ARACELY: It was a great song, I hate to admit it. But, Billy sure as hell knew how to write a song. Teddy had some commentary. He said we should add a female vocalist. Instead of choosing me, he chose someone else.

KAREN: I could tell how much it hurt Aracely that Teddy didn't want her to be a lead vocalist, but there was nothing we could do. It was Teddy's call.

The band was there in the recording studio, impatiently waiting for the mystery girl to arrive. And when she did, everyone was mesmerized by her presence. She had this aura, this feeling about her. Not to mention her voice, she was incredibly talented. Her voice combined with Billy's, it was music to their ears.

ARACELY: As much as I hated Daisy Jones...I couldn't truly hate her. It wasn't her fault that Teddy put his faith in her. It wasn't her fault Teddy didn't believe in me. None of it was her fault. Yet a part of me always wanted to resent her.

DAISY: Aracely, oh sweet Aracely. I remember seeing the look in her eyes when she saw me, it was a mix of hatred but also somewhat jealousy. I wasn't sure why she didn't like me, but then I realized that it was because I took her spot. I knew of Aracely before even joining the band. How could you not? She was insanely talented. Yet here I was taking what should have been hers.