melody of love

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Hyunjin had always heard a song in his head, a melody that he couldn't place but knew by heart. It was a song that made him feel alive and filled him with a sense of longing for something he couldn't quite understand.

He didn't know who was singing the song, but he knew they were his soulmate. And when he discovered Kim Seungmin's music, he couldn't help but wonder if it was him.

Hyunjin had never met Seungmin, but he had become obsessed with his music. He listened to it all the time, and he even went to see Seungmin's concert when he came to town.

It was during that concert that Hyunjin finally heard the song that had been playing in his head for so long. Seungmin sang "Stars and Raindrops," and as the first notes filled the air, Hyunjin felt his heart skip a beat.

It was the same song, the one that had been haunting him for months. He looked around the stadium, wondering if anyone else could hear it too.

After the concert, Hyunjin lingered by the backstage entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of Seungmin. He was just about to give up and go home when Seungmin walked out, surrounded by his team.

Hyunjin took a deep breath and approached him. "Excuse me, Seungmin?"

Seungmin turned to him, his eyes curious. "Yes?"

Hyunjin hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "That song you sang, 'Stars and Raindrops.' Did you write it?"

Seungmin nodded. "Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?"

Hyunjin took another deep breath. "I've been hearing that song in my head for months. I didn't know who wrote it or why, but when I heard you sing it tonight, I knew."

Seungmin's eyes widened in surprise. "'re my soulmate?"

Hyunjin nodded, feeling his heart race. "I think I am."

Seungmin's team started to shuffle around, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. Seungmin noticed and turned to them. "Can you guys give us a minute, please?"

They reluctantly left, and Seungmin turned back to Hyunjin. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?"

Hyunjin nodded, feeling a smile spread across his face. "I'd like that."

They ended up sitting on a park bench, talking about everything and nothing. Hyunjin felt a sense of ease with Seungmin, like he had known him for years.

As the night wore on, Hyunjin realized that he didn't want to leave Seungmin's side. He wanted to be with him, to hear his voice and feel his touch.

"I know this might sound crazy," Hyunjin said, looking at Seungmin with hopeful eyes. "But do you want to go on a date with me?"

Seungmin's eyes lit up, and he smiled. "I'd love that."

As they walked back to their respective homes, Hyunjin felt a sense of excitement that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he had just taken a huge leap of faith, but he also knew that it felt right.

The melody of love had brought them together, and Hyunjin couldn't wait to see where it would take them next.


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