(Chap. 2) Hangout

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Saturday evening. 7:30 p.m.. Problem Solver was off duty today. Haruka was casually watering her weeds when..
It was from Aru. Haruka quickly picked up her phone.

Aru: Haruka r u free rn?
Haruka quickly put in her password and began texting back.
Haruka: U-Uhm yes boss.
Aru: Heh, you don't have to call me that Haruka!
Haruka: Oh uhm yes, Aru. Sorry.
Aru: It's ok. Anyway, do you wanna go hangout at my place?
Haruka: U-Uhm is there anyone else coming Aru?
Aru: No one else!
Haruka: So j-just me and u?
Aru: Yeah!
Haruka blushes. She thinks about being with Aru alone. Her face turning red as she thinks about her love. Aru.. Her and me alone..
Aru: So are you coming?
Aru's text knocked her out of her daydreaming.
Haruka: Y-Yes!
Aru: Is 8 p.m. good?
Haruka: Y-Yes.
Aru: Ok! Can't wait to see you!
Haruka: C-Can't wait to see you as well.

Haruka put her phone down, embarrassed about what happened. She continued to water her weeds while thinking about what just happened. I can't believe Aru loves me.. She even invited me to come to her place alone and at night.. She began to blush.
Soon enough, she finished watering her weeds and checked the time. 7:45. She rushed out the abandoned building and sprinted to get to Aru's home. Mainly because she knew it was more than a 15 min walk to get there. Well, she knew the direction, location, everything. This was probably because she is and was obsessed with Aru. She had plushies, pictures, blankets, body pillows even, so on and so on. She absolutely adored her and still does. Eventually, she made it to Aru's home. Right on time as well. She knocked on the door. Almost immediately after she knocked on the door, Aru answered.

"Oh you're here! Right on time as well!" Aru exclaimed joyfully as she guided her girlfriend through the door.

"Wow.. So.. Beautiful," Haruka said, at awe from how neat Aru's home is.

Despite Haruka's obsession with her lover, she never came into her home before. Little did Haruka know, Aru hurriedly cleaned up her home while she was on her way here. Aru's home contained of many outlaw posters, books, many things about outlaws to say the least, as Haruka anticipated, but what she didn't expect was a pat on the head by her love while she was looking around her home.

"Hehe, you're so cute Haruka!" Aru said after she closed and locked the door.

Haruka blushed at the compliment, "E-Eh?"

Aru responded as she rubbed her head, "Cutie Haruka.."

Haruka was extremely embarrassed after Aru's directness. It was like a whole new different side of Aru.

"Haruka," Aru said.

"Y-Yes?" Haruka replied.

Aru said, "I wanted to do something with you, but I think it's quite late.. So.. Wanna have a sleepover? Sorry, I meant like we'll sleep in the same room but not like 'together'.."

This statement had awoken something in Haruka. She always wanted to cuddle up warm with Aru. After hearing her say that, she was insanely excited. Maybe I have a chance to! Aru continued her sentence, "Sorry if it still sounded weird.. I meant I just wanted to do things when.."A yawn interrupted her mid-sentence causing her to stop petting Haruka, but she went right back, after.

Aru continued drowsily, "I'm not so tired."

"Y-Yes!" Haruka exclaimed happily.

Unable to hold her happiness, she ended up jumping while she was being petted. It surprised Aru. After that, Aru guided Haruka to her bedroom.

"Ah right, I'll just sleep on the fl-" Aru said.

Haruka interrupted, "N-No!"

Aru questioned, puzzled, "W-What?"

Haruka ashamedly answered, "A-Ah sorry Aru.. I wanted to say t-that instead of s-sleeping on the f-floor, y-you could sleep on t-the bed with m-me.."

Aru's face turned red at the statement. Haruka felt intensely ashamed and embarrassed. Haruka tried to apologize for her suggestion.

"A-Ah! I'm so so so so-" Haruka said as she began to cry, before being interrupted by her partner.

Aru interrupted, "It's ok Haruka."

Aru began to wipe Haruka's tears. They both sat down on the bed. Aru tried her best to calm Haruka down. Her tears soaked into Aru's shirt. After a while, Haruka calmed down.

Breaking the silence, Aru said, "Haruka.."

"Y-Yes?" Haruka replied, sniffling as she spoke.

"Can you stay here while I brush my teeth?" Aru asked.

"Y-Yeah," Haruka said.

"Ok," Aru said, as she stood up and began to walk to the restroom.

Haruka laid down in her love's bed, wiping her tears with the blanket. Haruka covered herself with the warm blanket and waited for Aru. Since Haruka was quite exhausted after sobbing, even though she didn't intend to, very quickly went to sleep. Eventually, Aru came back from the washroom. Aru saw Haruka in bed so she was careful not to wake her. Since Haruka was sleeping in middle of the bed, she had to cautiously shove Haruka a bit so she could fit on the bed. Haruka's slumber was disturbed by this but she was too tired to do much. After a bit of shoving, Aru managed to get in bed. Aru thought about what fun things she was going to do with Haruka tomorrow while staring at the ceiling.

"A-Aru?" Haruka said, sleepily.

"Haruka?" Aru said, surprised Haruka was awake.

"Mmh.. P-Please go to sleep A-Aru," Haruka said as she was trying to go back to sleep.

Aru replied, "Ok, but-"

Haruka's unconscious snuggle interrupted her. Aru was surprised that Haruka had already went back to sleep and more surprised that she was snuggling with her. Aru blushed at the thought. She decided to sleep since Haruka asked and because she was sleeping and Aru didn't desire to awaken her. Aru closed her eyes and tried to sleep. Sadly, Aru couldn't exactly cuddle with Haruka due to the fact that she had horns but she still put her arms around her. Soon enough, both were cozy and warm asleep, snuggling and cuddling with each other.

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