Chapter Twenty Three - A Werewolf and The Loss Of Light

Start from the beginning


Hope was already having trouble speaking. And by the end of the first week, she could only speak in very hushed tones.

Remus had to watch as his Mother went from happy and laughing to barely surviving. There was absolutely nothing he could do. And it was killing him.

Right now, he was sitting on the back porch of the cottage on a swinging chair. He was just staring aimlessly into Hope's dying garden.

Edith walked outside, looking around for her mate. "Leannan?" She got no reply, but she spotted him on his favorite swinging chair.

She walked over, sitting down next to him, taking his hand in her own. "Hope is asleep. I read Jane Austen until she fell asleep."

Remus' head didn't move. He just sniffled. "One of her favorites.." His voice was low and hoarse. She could tell he was holding back tears.

"Oh Rem.." She moved her hand to wrap around his shoulder. She pulled his head to her chest. The minute he made contact with her he started to sob.

He hadn't let himself cry yet. He thought he needed to be strong for her. But he couldn't anymore.

He clutched onto his lover as tight as he could as her shirt soaked with his tears.

She just ran a kind hand through his hair. A few tears even slipping passed her eyes. "To weep is to make less the depth of grief." She whispered to him as he broke in her arms.

He cried for a good few minutes. She just quietly ran her hands through his hair and rubbed his back. She hummed a small tune to him to help him calm down.


In the middle of the second week of break, Remus and Lyall were out of the house. They were at a potions shop in the wizarding world. They knew her fate. But they couldn't give up.

Edith sat in a chair next to Hope's bed, her leg tapping incessantly.

Hope was reading a book in her lap when she looked over at Edith. "What's on your mind sweetheart?" She said in a very hushed voice. If it weren't for Edith's Lioness hearing she probably couldn't hear her.

"Hope... if I told you I had a way to heal you. But I wasn't completely sure if it would work... would you do it?" She asked, looking up at Hope.

Hope just smiled weakly at Edith. "No. No I wouldn't."

"Why.. Why not?"

Hope reached down, taking Edith's hand and holding it with whatever strength she had left. "I've made my peace. Death has come for me."

A tear rolled down Edith's cheek. "But I could help you... Atleast give you more time."

"But it is my time, love. I've known since we found out. Its fate. I've accepted it." Hope ran her thumb over the back of Edith's hand. Just as Remus did. "I know you'll be there for him. You'll be his new light. You surely are bright enough."

Edith smiled at that. "Has he... told you?"

"That your his mate? No." Hope weakly laughed. "But the way he looks at you... i knew. I've always known. Took you two long enough."

"Far too long." Edith let out a small laugh. "He thinks he's a monster. I know he's not. If he's a monster.. Then he's not the only one."

Edith had made a decision. She would tell Hope of her secret. Hope was entrusting the life and love of her son to her. She deserved to know.

Edith stood, slowly letting go of Hope's hand. She closed her eyes, letting her flaming wings sprout from her back. She opened her eyes, the normally blueish gray eyes were fiery crimson.

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