Chapter 6 - Quintessence

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After I officially joined the team I got proper introductions to the current members, I have a room just down the hall that I can use because I'd rather be here than at home by myself anyway. We came to an agreement that I'd start training right away, since Aqualad, or Kaldur'ahm as I now know him, can move water he would help me with that, for the rest, we'll figure it out.

"UGH, I'm never going to get it, we've been at this for hours and I can barely lift the water for more than 10 seconds!" I said, exasperated, possibly overreacting but I picked up the others much faster. I fall back onto the ground, the cool solid ground soothing my cool muscles.

"Hey," Kaldur'ahm says, he sits beside me. "New skills can be difficult to pick up, and water is vastly different than the other elements." I sit up resting my elbows on my knees. He picks up the water, guiding it around us.

"Show off," I retort, elbowing him lightly in the arm.

"Look at it," He says "really look at it, watch it move. Water is smooth, gentle, peaceful, the way it flows is unique to itself. Rocks are stiff, fire is wild, air is free. Water needs a guide to flow, it follows rules it the way it moves." He stands up and offers me a hand, which I accept and he helps me up.

"Redeem your stance, but loosen your body more, don't be as stiff as you were before." His voice is calm and sounds like he could be a podcast host. I follow his directions.

"Lift the water, but to move it, you have to flow with it, feel your body sway with the water." He demonstrates, swaying and dragging the water in loop de loops in front of us. I take a deep breath, Lifting the water as I had done before, but this time I relax my muscles more, untensing. Left and right I sway, following the glistening water. Eventually whether in following the water or its following me blurs together. I can't help but to plaster a smile on my face.


"There you go." Kaldur'ahm says in his soft Atlantean accent. I catch Dick walking by with Kid Flash, Wally, and move a bit faster, moving my arms and legs to blast the water in their direction. The water falls short about a foot away from them and drops to the ground, water splashing only their shoes.

"you missed." Dick teases.

"Yeah I know dingus" I shout back as the pair laugh and continue walking to their destination. I look back at Kaldur'ahm, who is only slightly amused.

"Thank you, so much." I hug him, one of the few ways I am able to show my gratitude. "Really though, Thank you Kaldur'ahm." He laughs as I let go.

"Please, call me Kaldur, no need to be formal among friends." He smiles. A voice shouts through the hallway beside us. "And it seems Black Canary would like to speak with you." Just as he said that black canary pops around from the hallway.

"Your costume is ready." She calls. During all the formalities I had made a design for a costume, all superhero's need one, and that's what I'm going to be now. And I've thought about this before so coming up with a design wasn't hard. I wave good bye to Kaldur and follow to my room where it's layed out on the bed. It's simple but I've never been one for complexity. "Go ahead, try it on." She leaves the room.

I quickly change into it and out of my sweaty workout clothes. I look in the mirror, dark sweat pants and a light blue sleeveless turtle neck. A dark hood to cover my hair and protect my identity and a pair of sunglasses. I also have a pair of dark boots with blue designs and buckles. On my side attached to my waist band is a small smooth box, round and blue with a lowercase "q" in the middle. I press it and it opens, a small spot to store things that I may need. I tie my hair up into a bun, Exept my bangs that slip through, to short to reach. The door slides open with my touch and Black Canary smiles.

"It fits you perfectly, do me a favour real quick, double tap the case on your hip." She instructs.

"Why?" I ask, seems like an odd request to me.

"Do it, it's a surprise." I hesitantly follow, double tapping the small q at my side. In a mater of seconds my top turns a dark grey and rolls out a pair of tight sleeves, the blue on my boots changes to. I look at Canary in confusion. "For stealth, everyone gets it, the blue can stand out." I double tap again and it goes back to normal.

"This is great, and so comfortable." I say, the fabric is soft, smooth, breathable, perfect for physical activity, or just wearing it around.

"And the fabric is very resistant, it won't break easily, and will be able to withstand your powers, but not for too long, but enough." She revels at the durability, as I would to if I were her. This suit is everything I need and will be perfect.

"I do have to ask though, whats the "q" for?" She asks, pointing toward the case at my side.

"Quintessence, of course."

Hi! How are you guys, I hope you liked this chapter cause I did lol. It kinda sets up some relationships between Zee and the other characters.
I wrote the first part at school and the other part cause my power went out and I couldn't watch tv lol, like actually a lot of the city's power went out. It came back on after like 20 minutes lol (I complained about it a little here and then the power came on right after I posted so I figured I should change it)
How you are enjoying the story rn?
Untill next time :)

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