Chapter 9: Pass or Fail: Survival test

Start from the beginning

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, I barely caught his expression as that fake smile was pasted on his face again.

"Maa you catch on quick Sakura-Chan" Kakashi's words were a hidden message.

You catch on too quick for a civilian

"Yes, I am a paper ninja Kakashi-Sensei, That's what Iruka-Sensei told me"

Don't underestimate me

Kakashi nodded then exhaled, he seemed to be thinking of a new plan of action.

"Very well, We will continue with the same plan, this time, whoever does not get a bell will not be included in any missions for a month" This was no empty threat, However it was still a test of teamwork...

"Come at me with the intent to kill.. Otherwise you'll never get your hands on these." He continued.

"But you weren't even able to dodge that chalkboard eraser!" Naruto laughs with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Those in society, Those who don't have many abilities tend to complain more." Kakashi referred to Naruto, I couldn't help but giggle at the look on Naruto's face.

"We are going to start when I say 'Ready, Start'." Kakashi explained, When Naruto finally realised that Kakashi was referring to him, He sprung up with Kunai in hand to attack. Kakashi stepped his attack and grabbed his head and hand, Twisting his arm until the Kunai was now pointed at the back of Naruto's head.

It was oddly quiet, even the sound of Sasuke taking a step back was muffled, The emo's eyes widened, His guard was up.

My feet rooted to the ground I was standing upon, I left myself open for any attacks, Kakashi never said start.

"I never said start... but you came at me with the full intention of killing me... How do I say this.... I'm actually starting to like you guys" Kakashi said with an eye crinkle smile.

He let go of Naruto and pushed him towards us.

"Get ready.."

Naruto and Sasuke tensed up, either to hide or run head on into a fight, I however could do the Substitution Jutsu, It was a simple D-rank jutsu that would switch myself with an object. If you were able to swap yourself with a living being it would be considered a C-rank as not many Genin could do it. To swap yourself with a living being would require chakra control in the 80 percentile or more.

"Start" I disappeared in a swirl of dirt. I wonder why it has never been done before in the TV series. When Kakashi disappeared in swirls of leaves it kinda gave away where he was going. However there is dirt everywhere and a spot in the corner of the training grounds was the perfect spot. I suppressed my chakra and stayed hidden in my little corner. It was like a simple game of hide and seek. I heard the screech of Naruto signalling that the 'Supreme Secret Konoha Technique, A thousand years of death' had landed its mark. I slapped my hand on my mouth, almost finding it impossible to not laugh. It was my turn to appear and attack Kakashi, I didn't want to Substitute and waste my chakra early on, while I did have more than what I needed I still didn't want to risk it.

A large swirl of leaves appeared around me. A foreign chakra signature entered my system.


I scoffed and held up a half tiger sign 'kai'. As if a D-rank jutsu was enough, if Kakashi had read my file he would've known that I was rather intelligent.

I continued to the open part of the training field, I tripped on something on the way there.

A loud groan was heard as I pushed myself off the ground.

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