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A/N : I GOT BORED. AND I WANTED TO MAKE MORE OF HIS LORE. SO EAT UP. MAYBE ONE DAY ILL MAKE A STORY OR A WEBCOMIC OUT OF STORYTELLER (that's the name of his story) BUT WE'LL SEE. this is lowkey not my best work but im fuckinb TIRED BRO.

! WELCOME ! ,,
1. Rain's Birthplace, His Childhood and Life Before War.
2. During War.
3. After War.
4. The Present.
5. The Future.


-This is Rain's file. It contains everything he knows about his life, and everything everybody else knows. But nobody knows everything, and this tale isn't quite complete.


-Rain was born to a woman named Lynn, an author, who was a single mother. He dreamed of legendary battles and warriors and knighthood from a young age, marvelling at the shiny mannequins of armour that had been used hundreds of years ago.
As he matured, he realised exactly what the warriors of his homeland fought for; control. It didn't deter him, as superiority against the other kingdoms had been hammered into his head since he was old enough to listen.

Angels were naive and impressionable, if HE gave any orders they followed without question because he was the symbol, the pinnacle of righteousness and good. They were bound to his will.

Demons were cruel, too much freedom got to their head. They could do what they liked, and even though punishment sometimes followed, it was in their nature to disobey and hunt for freedom, so they were ultimately a danger to balance.

That was why he existed. Why his family existed. Why his friends existed. He can't remember what he is. Nobody alive admits they even existed.

But they did. They existed to serve balance. To be the brink of good and evil, a natural order. Good cannot exist without evil.

So when the news came out to say, anxiously, that the king had received orders from HE to use their weapons and interfere in the conflict between Angels and Demons, to stop them, to destroy them, because they were ruining balance. So only the true balance would remain now. Angels and Demons, HE's own creation, must be purged. Eliminated, maybe.

He tried to understand it. He told himself it was right.

The day of war was coming up, and just in time he was of the age to sign up to fight. Because of his mother's status, he was instantly promoted and all his time was consumed with war, war, war, a war that his heart was never really in.

He had friends, who's hearts seemed to be in war, which he never judged them for. There was the blonde one, who's name slips Rain's mind. No memory he's remembered yet has been clear enough to hear it. He was a warrior too, and very pretty.

Rain would like to meet him again.

There was scientist, and a blonde teenage girl. And that's really all he remembers. And a ginger girl, but she doesn't resemble the rest of the people in his memories. Her eyes are different and she has fins rather than horns.

They were friends . :]



N/A. No memory found.



Information lost.


Rain is in the Palace. He is the only living thing in the Palace.

His horns have been cut sometime between now and the start of the war.


They will be reunited.

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