Chapter 13

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Sebastian ushers you to keep up with him, the cold air of the Slytherin dungeon practically freezes your fingertips off. You can almost see a thin layer of frost growing from the floorboards, and an unwelcoming feeling fills the air around you.

"Is it always this cold in the winter months?" you ask, rubbing your hands together as you jog up to his side. The edges of your ears tingle from the crisp environment. Sebastian turns his head toward you, the tip of his nose a bright pink, almost as though he's blown his nose fifty times.

"You get used to it quickly," he replies, turning his head forward again as you approach a set of stairs. You groan audibly, thinking about having to heave yourself up yet another staircase made your head spin. You lift your robes up with both hands, heading in front of Sebastian, and begin trudging up the stairs. A low chuckle cuts through the air behind you. You stop dead in your tracks on the last step, causing Sebastian to whirl right into you. You stand firmly, Sebastian practically bouncing off your back with a light thud. His laughter cuts short as he catches himself on the railing next to him.

You turn your head toward him and squint, "What are you laughing at?"

He smiles tersely, catching his breath, and then dramatically sweeps his robes up into his arms with a dramatic sigh, beginning to skip up the stairs past you and down the hallway in front of you.

If only you could burn this image out of your mind. It is quite a sight.

Sebastian slows to a stop a few metres in front of the two of you, dropping his robes back to their resting position at his heels. The fabric swings about a few inches from the floor.

"Please don't ever do that again," you state as you catch up to him.

"Gladly," he states plainly. "It was emasuclating." He mumbles, grimacing at the thought of what he must have looked like doing that, shaking his head. You laugh again, smoothing down your robes as the two of you walk side by side down the Slytherin corridor.

It was around two in the morning, and it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for both you and Sebastian to be sneaking around the castle grounds together this late at night. This time, however, the two of you were planning something much greater than just spellcasting and pranks.

"Do you think this is going to work?" you ask as you round yet another corner.

Sebastian sighs, "I doubt it. Ominis is not one to reveal his secrets to strangers." He runs a troubled hand through his hair.

You let out a small groan, tired of following seemingly endless corridors and turning right about five million times. Finally, you see Ominis pacing back and forth in the distance. You straighten your posture. 

It's not like he can see my lack of confidence, but he can most likely feel it, you think to yourself.

"There he is," he whispers as the two of you slow to a stop. You turn to face him, his eyes shining slightly with hope. "Good luck".

He sends you off with a reassuring pat on the back. Your skin tingles at his touch, the feeling lingering as you jog lightly up to Ominis, breaking him from his steps. He turns in your direction.

You clear your throat briefly. "Hello, Ominis... Do you have a moment?" you ask.

"What is it? What have you and Sebastian been up to now?" he spits.

You step backward reflexively, a confusing look spreading across your face. You furrow your eyebrows.

"There's no need for you to be short with me," you say.

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