1.The Abhimanyu Birla

Start from the beginning

Abhimanyu gets annoyed

Abhimanyu:(winning and sulking) : Maa! Neither don't I shout at them without any reason now am I always shouting! And I am innocent!! And you are saying like this!And most important , I am not a CHIDKURAM!!Eww!!

Manjiri chuckled.

Manjiri: (sarcastically)Okay! Sorry ! You are my most sweet and innocent and ever so calm child! BUT NOW GOO AND GET READYY!

Abhimanyu smiled.

Abhimanyu : Fine! I am going !(dramatically) Byee, Love you maa. See you soon!

Manjiri smiled wholeheartedly.

Manjiri: Love you too mera beta!

She cut the call.


Abhimanyu chuckled. This was his mom. His role model. Yes, his mom who supported him at each and every stage of his life, whether it be emotionally or physically. When for his friends their fathers were their role models , their inspiration, their ' superman' , he had his mother at every point to care for him , to look after him when his father was busy looking after The Birla Hospital. Indeed, his mother was his superman , his ' supermom'. She was the only one who understood him and cared for his passions and his inner self apart from his siblings and not for his profession. When she was there for him , he needed nothing and nobody else. Still, who would want to live in a toxic environment. So, when he turned 20, he left that house and when his mother refused to come along bonded by duties and so called family. But she encouraged him to pursue his dreams freely and then onwards he kept visiting there to meet her. Just for her!

He came out his thoughts to visit his home- scratch that!-house for him lacking all the warmth, where if not for his mother he would never go,never ever, even in his wildest dreams. But he had to hurry. He had to get ready .


At 9 A.M. sharp Abhimanyu entered the 30 floored building in the center complex of the city. He straight went to the elevator with his assistant cum left hand Rohan following him.  They pressed the button 30 where only some trusted employees and people from important and the highest post were only allowed. 


As the elevator opened the door to the topmost floor, all the employees engaged in their morning gossip immediately went back to their benches. After all who would want to mess with Abhimanyu Birla. Oops! Sorry! The Abhimanyu Birla- the youngest entrepreneur of the world  winner for the last two years. He was a man of words who built his company from scratch despite being belonging to a rich and well to do family. Nevertheless he could have chosen medicine too if it was about so called family. But it was him and his passion and the result was also his success. Success , which would everybody envy. Nobody wished him ever for his success from heart apart from his maa. Everybody was so jealous or whatever from their own world to understand a young man's feelings. All that at a side, who would want to put their hands in the fire. Abhimanyu was a moving fire, with high anger issues. But  he was like a coconut ! Hard and tough for outer world but very tender and soft like cotton and also reserved for whom he loved.Left unexplored!!

One thing is for sure nobody would ever like to mess with this young angry man. But successful , generous , sweet at heart , a dream charming prince.Youngest nd the most successful entrepreneur in India and fifth in the world. The CEO of Birla Entreprises.



Stepping into the cabin with a glass out view.

Rohan said," Good morning sir , so for your today's schedule you have a meeting for the upcoming city project at 11 . Then we have a monthly meeting with the business associates at 1 and the presentation for the discussion about the project with Minz Shiners at 4. The files that you asked for yesterday have been completed and kept at your table and the changes in the presentation have been made and will be mailed to you shortly."

Rohan described my schedule. But I cared about it the least!! I had something else in my mind.

"And what about the interviews for vacancies in Finance Department?" I asked.

"Sir , the HR team is looking into it. The interviews will be held tomorrow for the shortlisted candidates. Here's the list." he replied.

"Okay. Anything else important?" I asked.

"Also sir , the Chief Financial Officer Mr. Kumar had again asked for the approval of his resignation letter as he is shifting to Germany to his family. And there have been some complaints reported about the operations of our latest and the most important project with Mehra Industries." he said.

" Well! I am not free to look out for his replacement as soon as he says. He should have some sense of responsibility. He is the department head. Ask him to wait till there is a eligible replacement."

"Ok sir."

"You may leave. Ask Ms. Verma to report me with the file I gave her last friday."

"Ok sir."

As he stepped to leave, I stopped him .

" Rohan, inform the HR team to organise the interview tomorrow at 1 . I will be personally taking the interviews of the freshers. And nobody should be informed about this."I said smriking.

"As you say sir. Have a good day ahead sir." He left.

" Good day! Huh! God only knows how this day will be for me. If in really good or what! I would be glad if it is. Let's get back to work! Will see what the day has for me , today! Troubles or a pleasant surprise!" I thought

Coming out of the thoughts, I glued my eyes to the screen and starting writing on the laptop at definitely 10x speed!!!


Word count:1674!!Uhh!!

Guys pls do vote and comment..This will motivate me as it is my first time!!

Author's Note: So hii guys , this is my first ever written story . How is it?? Tell me!! If good then only I will continue with this.I don't know how it would turn out. But I will try my best. But I could say I definitely have very good idea in my mind but let's see how I am able to pen it down. Also I am very much busy with my studies but will definitely try to update regularly . Shower some love and motivate me. I hope you all loved it!! How did the part turned out to be? I am very much exhausted!! Ahh!!!


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