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" It's Mowing!! "

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" It's Mowing!! "

SUMMARY: Your warm morning is interrupted
by an unexpected but welcomed surprise.

AU: Canon Genshin (Post-Sumeru Archon Quest)

WC: 889

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You could tell how big a toll the work of a Grand Sage had been affecting your boyfriend as, usually, it would've been him that'd be awake but instead you wake to see Alhaitham with his eyes shut as he breathed slowly.

You smile softly as you reach to brush Alhaitham's hair back slowly, and how you wish you didn't as his brows furrow slightly and his arm on your waist pulls you closer to himself.

"Good morning." You giggled, Alhaitham hums in response as he buried his face in your hair. "Mrn'n .." He mumbled into your hair.

You look outside the window and see that the sun was higher than it usually was when you woke up. You attempt to stand up but you forget your boyfriend's tight grip on your waist.

"Haitham, hon. It's past 8." You said, trying to shake Alhaitham awake.

"So?" He replied, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. "It's a weekend, dear. We'll be fine."

A MOTHER'S LOVE ┃ Alhaitham x Single Mom! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now