Penny Brody and Rod are mean to Swift.

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Penny: I hate Swift so much! I wanna beat him up so bad! 😤😠😡😤😠😡 Rod: Me too! 😡😡😡😡😡😡 Brody: Me 3! 😡 Swift: Hey guys. What's going on? Penny: We all hate you so much Swift! Brody: Yeah! You weren't a very good leader at all! Rod: We're not friends anymore! (Rod Brody and Penny beat up Swift) (Swift) (Sobbing) I can't believe you cadets beat me up! 😞😣😖😥😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 What is wrong with you?! (Speedy) Swift are you OK. (Swift) No. (Bawling) The cadets beat me up really bad! I don't want to be friends with them anymore! (Speedy) Swift, We got a new human cadet that wants to be friends with you. (Swift) (Sobbing) Really? Oh forget I'll be all alone without a friend! (Flies to his room crying) TBC

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