Chapter 1

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~Jayden Dumont

I pulled my sweater tighter around my body, feeling
goosebumps rise on my neck. I suddenly felt uneasy.
My stomach was aching, my heart was pacing. I felt
like... I was being watched.

I turned around and looked behind me, a White Van
trailed slowly behind me.

Run! Right now! Run!

I looked down and made sure my shoes were tied
before sprinting through the woods that led to my

All | knew is that I had to get out of there, and fast.

When I turned around again, the Van was gone. That
was a close call.

I turned back to look ahead of me, and A rag was
stuffed over my face.

I felt someone wrapped themselves around me and
lift me up.

I tried to scream but I couldn't. My arms and legs
wouldn't help me fight. I felt myself grow limp asI was
thrown into the back of the van.

Is this how Im going out?

~Steven Lewis

I walked through the pulsating party looking for
Devon and Tyreek, they left me in the kitchen alone.
I felt myself become nauseous from the smell of Ass,
Cigarettes and Liquor.

After my failed attempts of locating them, I decided
to wait for them in the car.

I checked my pockets making sure I had my keys
and then walked out the front door. I walked down
the driveway and down the road to my parked Jeep. I
unlocked my car and got into the front seat.

Suddenly I felt uneasy. My pulse quickened and |I have been a
started to feel paranoid.

I pulled my phone out and texted Devon then I went
to the car.

I heard Movement in my backseat and I felt in my
other pocket for my taser. I'm not going out like no

As I reached into my pocket to grab it, A white cloth
flew over my face. I opened my mouth to scream, but
my eyes fell heavy.

What the hell is going on?


I lit the last candle around the on my nightstand before
smiling down at it.

I grabbed my pajamas and walked into my bathroom
across the hall. I hurried to change into them, wash
my face, brush my teeth, and put my hair up so I
could go do my night time routine.

I cleaned up my mess in the bathroom before walking
out, bumping into my step mom.

"Fuck rio take ya ass somewhere," She hissed at

"Gladly you stupid bitch," I spat.

"Excuse me," She turned around, causing her long
braids to smack me dead in my face.

"Stephanie go sit ya white ass down somewhere
before I call my aunt to beat ya ass again you racist
white bitch." I rolled my eyes.,

"You are lucky?"

"Lucky what?" I asked.

She stayed silent and looked at me.

"Oh okay. That's what I thought," I mugged her. I
walked past her headed back to my bedroom.

When I walked into my room, all my candles were
blown out.

"What the hell, Stephanie you dumb bitch," I turned
back to my bedroom door and started to walk back to

As soon as my hand touched the nob, a white cloth
flew over my face, making me feel weak instantly. My
eyes slowly closed.

~Fazan Munshi

I ran across the court and dunked the ball into the

"Nah uh, bitch you cheated!" Edgar fought the air.

"How. You just suck bitch,'' I threw the ball to him.

He dribbled the ball and threw it, it missed the net and
started rolling away.

"I'll get it." I followed the direction the ball went it. It
was dark out by now so I knew the ball would be hard
to find.

I walked past around four trees. "Where the hell that
damn ball go?" I turned in a full circle, finally stopped
turning and rolled my eyes. I turned to walk away,
walking right into a white cloth, "FUCK!" It came out
muffled as my eyes closed.

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