Chapter One

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[THIS TAKES PLACE MID DEVOTION! So sorry it wasn't mentioned, I realized as I was writing that my timelines were all messed up 💀]

Ace jolted awake from their nightmare. Spencer moved slightly in his sleep, mumbling about safety. Ace relaxed in the cage Spencer had him in and sighed into his chest. Spencer opened his eyes slightly and whispered to Ace. "You're safe." That's all it took for Ace to cuddle back onto Spencer's hold and fall asleep.

10am. It was 10am, Spencer still hadn't moved from his position, Ace was still asleep. The taller smiled down at the red head, watching how they moved closer to him following the warmth. Like a moth to flame. Spencer checked the time again, realizing the two had to head to Tubbo's soon. "Ace." Spencer moved his s/o's arm slightly, watching Ace open his eyes slowly. He squinted at Spencer, frowning. "What??" "We've gotta get up."

The two got dressed quickly, and Ace decided to vlog. Just for fun, for the memories when they grow up. "We should do a shopping vlog!" Ace said as the two walked out of the house and to Ace's car. "That'd be fun." Spencer replied, slipping his mask on, the classic black and white. "Also, what's with the Hawaiian shirt?" "I slay in it, right?" Ace chuckled and nodded, backing out of his driveway. "You forgot your glasses." Spencer pointed out, seeing their eyes through his hair. "Its okay, I won't be on camera." 

"Why not?" Spencer held their hand in between his own. "Just don't feel like it today." Ace replied quietly, knowing Spencer can tell when he lies. "Mhm, so why are you vlogging?" Spencer squeezed his hand as the two pulled into the driveway. "We'll talk now, or after the stream. Which one?" Spencer asked as the two exited the car, Ace sighed and put his head in their hands. "Spencer it's fine. Go stream with your friends." 

Once the three streamers were streaming with each other, Ace sat down on the couch and groaned into the nearest pillow. He didn't feel like he belonged, Spencer was doing great without them, he has two perfectly good friends here. Ace shook those thoughts away and frowned, staring at the floor. 

tw / sh implied / 

He hadn't even noticed the new red scratch lines on their arms.

tw over

Knocking rang through the living room as Ace sat there. They looked up, moving towards the door. 

A white haired girl with incredible eyeliner skills stood at the door. "Hi, um, I'm Riley." Ace had no recognition of the name and started closing the door. "Wait wait! I'm Reals, Tommy's flatmate!" Suddenly the memory clicked, Ace had met Riley over a discord call earlier that year. "Oh, sorry. I'm Lucky, or Ace." They let Riley inside, touring the house with her. "Are you here to stream?" Riley chuckled. "No, I'm faceless." Ace's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really!? I am too!" She smiled brightly, the smile faltering when Tubbo exited the streaming room. "Ace, Riley." He nodded at the two before grabbing some cereal and pouring it into a bowl. 

The two sat in the far corner of the streaming room playing Jenga. Turns out Tubbo's family needed the living room for something, which needed the two faceless non creators to leave. "Do you think Tubbo will ever get a s/o?" Ace asked Riley as they casually pulled out a jenga piece. Riley tugged her mask higher on her face and shrugged. "He seems like he's doing fine without one." Ace nodded thoughtfully, slightly brushing his hair from his eyes. "Oh, pronoun check." Riley said softly, slowly pulling out a bottom piece. "You psycho. He/They, feeling them today. You?" "She/Her." 

Ace's eyes lit up and they pulled their small bag towards them, pulling out a reversible octopus. "This is my gender octopus. When it's pink, it's they/them day, when it's blue, I'm he/him." Riley gasped at the brilliant idea.

[if anyone wants to use that idea, be my guest! I carry the same thing around for my girlfriend so she knows what to call me that day <3]

Tommy glanced over at the two and made a gesture to cover up as Tubbo picked up the camera. Riley tugged their hood up and kept their mask on, Ace quickly looked away just in case. "So chat, we're going outside." Tommy smiled at the two, who had luckily covered up. Tubbo just forgot I guess. Ranboo ruffled Lucky's hair as he left the room, following behind Tubbo. Tommy stayed back for a moment and kissed Riley's head. "Lucky, we'll catch up in a bit." Tommy declared and jogged out of the room. 

after stream

"Ace, come on. Please, I just want to help." Spencer practically begged, the couple was away from the rest of the group. 

tw / sh implied / 

He held tight to Ace's hands as they were scratching their arms. 

tw end

"I'm fine though!" Ace insisted, grabbing Spencer's hand. "Pinky promise?" Ace winced and looked away. "I can't." "Why?"

"I feel like you don't need me anymore. You've got amazing friends! Everytime I'm included in a video, your views go down. And I ruin your plans with those amazing friends. I just, I guess I don't feel needed." 

Ace finally explained. And Spencer was proud they opened up, but disappointed he felt that way. "Of course I need you. Not only are you my boyfriend, you're my best friend, my highschool soulmate!" Spencer hugged them and continued to reassure them. "And I love you. I need you, I'll always need you, Ace your my world." Ace sniffled into Spencer's jacket and hugged back tightly. Spencer ran his hand through their hair, neither noticing Tommy and Riley walking towards them. 

"So, you two are finally official?" Tommy asked calmly, holding Riley's hand. "Tommy you dumbarse, we've been official since you met Riley." Ace retorted, wiping their tears. " Ace scolded, wagging a finger at Tommy jokingly. "Come on Toms, even I could tell." Ace winced, their lower body suddenly cramping. Spencer noticed and checked the date. He showed them the date and they groaned. "Riley I need you for a second." 

Ace and Riley stood inside, Ace frowning significantly. "I just started my period and I forgot pads, do you have any?" Riley smiled and reached into her bag, shuffling around a bit. "If I don't, I'm sure Toby's sisters have some." "Oh but that's embarrassing." Riley came up empty handed. "For fucks sake, okay this is gonna be humiliating." Lani passed by the two and handed Ace some pads. They smiled and Riley chuckled softly. "Ranboo texted me, the first and probably last text I'll get from him." Lani laughed and walked down the hall. Ace sighed and walked into the bathroom, Riley decided to wait and think of an excuse in case Tommy asked. Obviously this is a normal thing, but Ace seemed slightly embarrassed about still having periods. 

[this is valid, I am slightly embarrassed about having periods as I'm transitioning to he/they]

"Alright. Toby, Tommy, Ace and I are heading out. Riley and Tommy if you don't want to stay here or something, we live close by as well." Spencer announced as he stood up, lifting Ace up easily. Who was half asleep. Not being a streamer like the rest was clearly getting to them. And their period, peeposad "Goodnight you two!" Toby hugged Spencer, Tommy side hugged the taller, and Riley ruffled Ace's hair. "Let's go love." Spencer muttered into their ear, Ace sleepily hugged into his side tighter. "Oh jeez." Spencer sighed playfully, picking Ace up as if they weighed nothing. Which was a lie, they have muscle, so he slightly struggled. Ace snuggled contently into his neck and kissed it platonically. Spencer smiled and brought his sleepy boyfriend to the car. 

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