Concert tickets

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Asias pov~ hi I'm Asia I'm 19 years old with no life I like a band called A7X I have a dad named Chad and a mom named Melody but I live at my own in a house I have a older sister named Kayla a older brother named Austin and another older brother named zack but we call him zackary and me well I'm the youngest out of my 3 older siblings I don't mind tho I'm going to collage tho right now I'm visiting my family because it's my 19th birthday my uncle Troy said he had a surprise for me and I couldn't be even more excited for my birthday I wonder what he had gotten me when I pulled up I got out running to my dad giving him the biggest hug I could master giving I heard him chuckle hey baby girl happy birthday I beamed in joy definitely a good birthday so far I got cake and icecream but my cake was A7X themed whatcha I looooved so much I took a picture I wanted to remember this forever after we had cake I opened gifts I got a few vengeance university shirts a few synyster gates shirts a few drinks with Johnny stuff even the rev stuff along with a hat that Matt always wore and my last gift my uncle had given me he said we'd go tonight since it was tonight I never opened it so fast I screamed tickets and back stage passes to meet A7X I was so happy I have to get ready when do we go I was screaming so much that's how excited I was he told me that it started at 9:30 so we had to leave around 6:00 to head there since it would take 2 hours and 13 mins to get there it was 4:30 now so I had to get ready about now I ran inside the house to get ready I took a shower after picking out my outfit when I got ready I did my hair I put my choker on that looked like a bowtie after that a did my makeup once finished I go downstairs smiling I'm ready for the concert now my uncle nodded and we left I tapped my knee and I was excited calm down kiddo your gonna give yourself a heart attack sorry uncle Troy I'm just so
Excited to see the band  how close are we to the stage anyways he chuckled we're in the pit so really close to the stage and don't worry we have backstage passes as well so yes you can meet the band themselves my eyes got really big seriously yes kiddo I smiled so big my face started to hurt when we got there we walked to the gates after parking I saw the merch table I smiled my uncle just rolled his eyes at me let me guess you want one of everything including synner and vengeance stuff hell fucking ya I do! Uncle Troy he asked for one of everything including jimmys drumsticks Johnnys hot sauce including a few picks that were in necklace form I smiled big he just shook his head and I put everything in my vengeance university backpack surprisely everything fit I even put my new vengeance university beanie on cus I wanna be a cool ass mother fucker when we got to the stage I smiled I was happy as ever best birthday ever so far I giggled my uncle just smiled and hoped I had a great time before you could say short shit the band came on stage I squealed I had a tall security guard in-front of me I whined cus I couldn't see zacky the security guard seemed to notice my whine and frown and moved so I could see zacky I beamed thanks mr security guard I giggled and started jamming to afterlife acting like a fool my uncle even had a sign that said it's my nieces birthday give her some sevenfold love when they were done Matt said something I see it's someone's birthday let's get the birthday girl up here zacky held his hand out to me I about melted and took his hand I was blushing up a storm hey birthday girl tell us all about you I blushed even more well I'm Asia I'm 19 years old they all nodded well who's your favorite person Jimmy clearly bellowed that's me mother fuckers I giggled and said no sorry jimbo but your not my favorite he frowned and pouted I blushed and said it was zacky Matt laughed awww does someone like zack attack i giggled and nodded I sure fucking do he's my husband zacky clearly smirked ha assholes I'm the favorite your all sore ass losers I giggled well birthday girl since it's your birthday we'd like to give you something but you have to close your eyes I simply just rolled my eyes and did what Matt asked but I was growing impatient can I open them now no syn said not fair I pouted come on give me some sevenfold love they all chuckled I felt someone infront of me ok birthday girl if you can guess who's in front of you you can open your eyes and get your gift I smiled is smelling allowed I heard Johnny laugh sure why not you do you what about touching go ahead Matt said I reached and touched the guy infront of me touched his hair and his face clearly touching his spectrum nowing who it was I smiled it's zacky vengeance you guys suck at this Matt chuckled ok you win open your eyes when I did zacky was so close I could smell his cologne he honestly smelled so good I could bite him well taste him zacky had handed me his guitar my mouth dropped w-what no no no take it back I was pleading him cus I couldn't take it I honestly couldn't that guitar was his world his life his child I about fell backwards oh shut up and take the thing Johnny laughed don't worry we all signed it it's all yours now I about screamed are you sure it's ok I mean this guitar is his life his baby they all nodded that's ok you get all these to they gave me their stuff I about died no way yes way Jimmy squealed and hugged me tight me and you are gonna be besties foREVer see what I did there I just rolled my eyes ok jimbo we get it well will you be my bestie he begged I just nodded ok fine I'll be your bestie but can you not squish my small body I wanna live you now he laughed sorry sorry little gnome I glared you did not he giggled I did tho.

Zackys pov~ ahhh a place called Michigan with so many potholes and shit ass people who are rude but I'm not complaining we have a lot of people who are like that that's the life we live in we have good people we have bad people we have people who do crime for the hell of it but that's our world as I got ready I rubbed my face syn asking if I was ok I'm just bro I'm ok we'll we're on tour for another 4 and a half months then we'll be home I nodded thing is I didn't want to go home my so called wife cheated on me I had gotten a text from her saying my husband isn't home for another 4 and a half months I was livid when the boys were getting food I'd call her and tell her to pack her shit and leave when I checked the camera to see if she left she did that's the other way I saw her cheat on me as well since then I've been trying to hide that she cheated cus Val and mel were her best friends and I didn't wanna lose them as my friend if anything bad happened I didn't tell the guys yet cus I was worried that they were gonna be mad at me for throwing her out of my life without wondering what she did I new she was here tonight to act like we were still together but we were nowhere near still together I told her I wanted a divorce right away and fast I didn't wanna stay with a 2 timing cheat in my life thank fuck I didn't have kids with her that would suck but I'm glad we didn't have kids Jimmy noticed my discomfort with her around cus I was shooting daggers at her head right between her eyes I didn't care for a min that the guys noticed but I did notice Jimmy step infront of me dude stop shooting daggers at your wife I snorted what wife he was confused they all were and yet she had the balls to say something oh zacky baby you now it was just a joke I rolled my eyes a joke of what you cheating on me having sex IN MY BED hell no you lost that title when you cheated you bitch I got up and walked away well so much for hiding it from the guys I guess I just continued to walk away when Matt stopped me what's the matter bro you seem on edge just find me someone who will actually love me I hiccuped I can't stand her lying to ya I lied and said nothing was wrong but that's different she keeps lying she lied the whole time to me hiding that she didn't cheat that it was the house fixer upper dude but I don't believe it Matt I don't want to if she actually loved me why would she cheat on me why would she go through all that hell just to cheat on me and think it was all funny for shits and giggles I sighed as we left to get on stage the rest of the guys behind us when we got on stage I noticed a girl idk her name but I sure wanted to she pouted and the guard infront of her moved to the side I heard her say thank you and our eyes locked my heart started to beat fast syn nudged me I snapped out of it then Matt said something looks like we have someone's birthday let's get the birthday girl up here Matt asked her a few questions like her name and her age Asia I can definitely remember that she was 19 dam she's cute for a 19 year old when Jimmy asked for her favorite person she didn't say it was him but me as in me zacky James baker oh hell ya I smirked I whispered to Matt my idea and he nodded ok birthday girl close your eyes she rolled them after 15 seconds of us signing our bass guitars and drum sticks she asked us if she could open her eyes yet syn said no she pouted and said oh come on give me some sevenfold love I chuckled Matt shook his head ok birthday girl if you can guess who is infront of you you'll get your suprise is smelling aloud she asked while blushing Johnny snickered sure why not you do you what about touching go ahead he said all a sudden I felt her touch my lips and hair and touch my face as she felt around I saw her smile she touched my snakebites and my spectrum you guys really suck at the guessing game it's zacky vengeance Matt was dumbfounded well you win birthday girl I didn't think she'd now it was me but clearly she new my face by heart I offered her my guitar she tried to give it back but I kept pushing it back to her Johnny just laughed just take the dam thing she blushed and sighed a fine I'll take good care of it he laughed even harder you'll take good care of everything we give you right she was shocked I can't afford these are you crazy syn laughed ya we're crazy alright I smiled thank you she whispered your welcome I whispered back I kissed her cheek not caring who saw let alone my ex wife she can be jelly 2 can play this game I smiled and she got off stage and we continued the show when we were done she smiled cus I new something was up and looked at me and smirked see you soon again vengeance I had no idea what she meant by that but I was excited for it

New book lol don't worry I'll update the other ones I just wanted to get this one out hope you guys enjoy it

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