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 About fifteen minutes later, both Flicker and Sapphire were each wearing lengths of rope around their waists which had been recovered from the severed Chinese knot.  Attached to this at the right side of their hips was an interesting mechanism comprised of an inverted pepper shaker emptying into a closed syrup dispenser lid.  Attached to this was a length of cooking twine Flicker had also found behind the counter which, in turn, ran all the way down the length of their right legs and was looped around their right big toes.

"So," Flicker explained "if this device I cobbled together works as planned, every time either of us takes a step forward, then that length of cooking twine should pull on the syrup dispenser lid, and cause that to be pulled back to the open position.  This should then guarantee that an amount of pepper will fall out onto the ground and leave a trail.  This way, should one of us disappear, whoever is left will be able to tell exactly where they were abducted....and maybe even by what means." he stated, sounding somewhat proud of the invention.

Sapphire looked the whole mechanism over with fascination.  "What an astounding piece of ingenuity, Flicker!  Do you dabble often in tinkering of this sort?" she questioned in an almost excited tone of voice.

"Well, I am considered something of a tinkerer back in Camelhot.  Inventing is one of my pastimes."  Flicker replied modestly.

Sapphire looked at Flicker pensively for a moment.

"Is something wrong, Sapphire?" Flicker questioned.

She shook her head. "Oh,'s just.....I was wondering how it is that you're not a knight already, Flicker?  You've all the qualities of true knight and more....and are a marvellous inventor at that!  Have King Allfire's senses dimmed so much since my last visit to his court that he can no longer see a true candidate for knighthood?"  Sapphire asked, looking at Flicker as though he were some sort of mythical creature.

Flicker placed his arms behind his back in a gesture of modesty.  "Well, thanks, Sapphire...I do try to do my very best.  I aspire to become a knight one day.....I've even come quite close at times.  However, I place great faith in the wisdom of King Allfire, and I have confidence that, when I have attained that spark of greatness which characterises a true knight, he will reward that achievement." he said with his trademark humility.

Sapphire smiled at Flicker.  "Flicker, you really are a darling! For your sake though, I do hope your faith in your King and court is well placed."

"I know it is, Sapphire.  But, at the moment, I'm just worried about making sure that Sir Loungealot, Sir Burnevere and myself are able to make it back to I suppose we'd best get started."  Flicker replied, underlining the urgency of the task at hand.

Sapphire nodded.  "Of course, Flicker.  My apologies for the digression....where should we begin our search?"  

"I don't know exactly....but I was hoping maybe we could have a word with the inn keeper. Do you know where his room is by any chance?" Flicker inquired.

"Actually, I think it's just over there."  Sapphire said, pointing just behind Flicker.  "Just behind the check in desk, I believe."

They walked over to the door located just behind the check in desk.

"Bravo, Flicker, your invention seems to working splendidly!" Sapphire complimented, looking down to see the trail of pepper being left behind by the devices they were wearing.  "I suppose every invention needs a name, have you thought what you'll call it?"

"Thanks Sapphire, but I doubt this device will have much in the way of commercial application. However, I suppose one could call it a P.P.S."  Flicker replied, taking up the challenge of naming the device.

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