Chapiter 1

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The beginning of the second life of Celosia Elizabeth Rogue Volturi and Elizabeth rosaline rogue Volturi

today is the birthday of me and my twin sister, i'm one year closer to be 18 year old im so exited. i will get maried to some rich man. my dad told me that if i got maried with the men i would be in an good life and have kids. 

Good Morning father~ i say smiling.

good morning little one ready for a well occuped day ?

yes, where is eli? i say not seeing my sister beind me

right here little sis ! 

i turn back to face her and say: we are the same age so im not your little sis ! as i rowl my eyes 

we look at each other with a big grin in our face and start laughing. everything is perfect, nothing can go wrong. so what i tought our dad took us in an fancy restaurant and after that is when the drama happend, our dad was a little too drunk and left us to go do something or more do someone... i don't know what happend after but i just heard my dad muffled scream and after nothing... i got the wrong idea to go see if my dad was okay and that is when i saw it something that would change my hole life. 

my dad was kill by some thing but it didnt felt right he had blod all over his mouth like a VAMPIRE! my body was just frosen in place and he keep looking at me. felt tears rolling down my cheak and then the guy just disepire. that day i felt something that i never felt before, anger , i knew that i would make that man pay for what he did.

the days passed and one day i just stop feeling anything my sister her ... she was different . and one day when i was walking i felt like i was wached but i just brush off that feeling. i souldnt do that because not even five min after i felt a mouth on my neck and a sharp pain trought all my body like fire like i was burning inside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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