The Septa Daughter of the Broken King

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(For whoever wants to see Rhaena as black or white)

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(For whoever wants to see Rhaena as black or white)

Summary: Rhaena the Septa was known as Rhaena The Chaste, Aegon III the Broken King's legacy lived through her, as House Targaryen recovered its influence under Rhaena's care as she strengthened alliances and made new pacts.

The heat of Dorne was not that bad, but in order to protect her golden hair, Rhaena was wearing a shawl.

Since her first cousin-once removed Daeron had become king five years ago, Rhaena was trying to find common ground with the population of Dorne. Ever since Rhaena had gotten out of the Maidenvault, she had dedicated herself to help the dynasty of her family, as well as recover the trust of Westeros.

Rhaena would be lying if she said it had been easy; it had been extremely difficult, but at least they were now progressing, and with Dorne now being an official part of the Seven Kingdoms there was a new flicker of hope.

And here she was, sharing food with a family of orphans of the greenblood.

"D'you want more sauce Septa Rhaena?" Asked the head of the family, a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and light brown eyes called Laurel.

"Yes, a little bit more would be fine"

Dornish food was delicious, and Rhaena was already wondering how she would eat anything else that wasn't made in Dorne.

"And how is your cousin, the king?" Rhaena halted her movements for a while but quickly regained her composure.

"The king is fine, his wife and him are doing everything they can for the realm and are also taking care of their family."

"I must be honest with you Septa" Said the matriarch.

"At first, we didn't think he would make the alliance work, but it seems we were wrong."

"What do you mean my lady?" Rhaena kept her tone neutral.

"The Dornish are known for their independent spirit, they have always remained so, and we were surprised to see they relented." The matriarch stated.

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