C2: Starving, lost, tired, and Freezing

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???2's POV (This is a little before what BG wrote)

I wandered through the dark forest, mist covering my ankles as I trudged on. I didn't know where I was, or how I had gotten here. Looking up I could see an inky black sky, and small splotches of light, the stars.

I wandered around, occasionally speeding up a little to escape some kind of figure I would find in the trees, some with glowing redeyes. A short pair of eight eyes, another a small bit shorter than me with two red glowing eyes. I was also able to make out something that looked as if it had come out of a under-budget zombie movie. It was a dull shade of green with it two arms sticking out. I didn't go any closer to investigate, nor did I examine closer at the skeletal figures wielding what appeared to be a bow. I wasn't sure what they were, but I sure as hell didn't want to find out.

I watched the stars as I walked, trying to follow Polaris, the north star, the best I could. I wasn't exactly watching where I was going, and before I knew it a creature was behind me. It had a few different shades of green scattered every where, and walked on four stubby legs. It had soulless black eyes with a red center, and its mouth was carved into a everlasting frown. Something told me I didn't want to be near this thing, and I should kill it. Letting my body go on impulsive mode, I let my hand reach its way to my side where I pulled out an axe, which I hadn't even noticed I'd been carrying. I swung it towards the creature and gave it a good gash in the side, and jumped back waiting for it to attack. I watched it come closer, and before I could swing my axe once more it began to grow fatter, turning white in the process. I began to turn my back and run but before I could get too far, an explosion threw me to the side. I forced myself to get up in case there were anymore, and I ran. I ran for a while, a good 15 minutes I suppose.

After a while I mumbled to myself. "What the fuck was that..?" I then slowed my pace to a walk, and kept moving. Before long, I saw a figure, but this one didn't seem quite as evil as the creature I had first encountered. I got into another steady jog to follow them, this one (unlike the last) was a more steady jog than a full out sprint. I kept track of the figure while still staying hidden. I hadn't seemed to catch their attention when I had accidentally stepped on a crunching twig, luckily. Finally deciding to approach them, I walked up behind them. I took a shaky back and tapped their shoulder, praying I hadn't made a huge mistake. They whirred around to face me, whipping their sword at me. I put my hands up to show peace.

"I'm not going to hurt you! Put the sword away!" I told her. I looked at her a bit closer, though I couldn't see much in the dead of night. Her hair seemed brown, and her bangs... rainbow? She seemed so familiar, yet I couldn't put anything into place. "Look" I told her. "I'm lost here, just woke up, and don't remember pretty much anything, apart from a few personal things. I think I have amnesia. I'm starving, lost, tired, and freezing. I just want to get out of this labyrinth of a forest, it seems endless." She seemed to hesitate before lowering her sword slightly. I was starting to get uncomfortable and I felt my finger mindlessly fiddle with the paintbrush I was holding. I finally looked up, to meet two discolored eyes. One a golden yellow color, and the other a vibrant purple. "Um..." I started. What do I say?! Why did I have to be so awkward? "I like your eyes." I stated.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah! They're so cool!" I smiled, hoping for the taller girl to smile in return.

She smiled back. "Thanks." She said. She started to seem more relaxed so I attempted to get to know her.

"By the way, I'm Brooke, most people call me Paytatoe, don't remember why though. What's your name?"

Your move BG XD

Omg lol patats!

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