6 | Slowly Falling

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The cafeteria was full of life, sky people chatting and yelling out to each other; all seeming to enjoy the slop on their plastic plates. Lea found her ears flicking around and head turning in all directions at how much noise there was around them, some of the words they were using unrecognizable to her. Miles led them to a table, motioning for her to sit down as he paced over to the cook that sat behind metal islands, serving whichever food was picked.

Her orange eyes flicked about, tail waving nervously behind her as the humans closest to her seemed to stop and eye her for a few moments before talking more quietly to their counterparts. When Miles had finally returned with the two plates of food, Lea's ears flicked back, her nostril flaring slightly at the hideous smell of the food. He wanted her to eat this?

"You need to get something in you, the medication won't work properly if you don't." Miles started, sitting down beside her as he poked at the food with a small fork, his tail flicking out behind him. As the others eyes landed on him they went wide, quickly taking him in before avoiding him. It was clear he held authority over the other sky people, a silent dominance about him in the room.

"You want me to eat... this..?" Lea muttered, looking down to the plate as she allowed her finger to press into the cream coloured wet mass that sat at the edge of her plate. Her lips pulling back in disgust as her eyes flicked up to meet his. With a soft chuckle he nodded, raising his brows at her before scooping some of the slop off his plate and into his mouth. Lea cursed softly in Na'vi before hesitantly picking up the fork, poking at the mass more.

With  a loud sigh she slowly scooped up a small chunk, letting the tip of her tongue touch it before plunging it into her mouth, all the while looking up to Miles. His yellow eyes glinted as he laughed, most eyes that caught a glimpse of what was going on now watching with amusement. Lea slowly moved the wet bland tasting food around him her mouth before swallowing hard, quickly reaching for the cup of water at the other edge of the tray.

"Oh come on, it's just mashed potatoes." Miles laughed out, nudging her before he continued eating, offering her soft side glances. On the outside he looked to be his normal self, but on the inside he was grief struck about his squad mates, their lives having been a cruel waste. He found himself thankful for Lea's display that offered him a distraction from his thoughts, her personality a glowing light in the dull room of military personnel.

" Whatever they are-" She paused to shutter. "They aren't very good." Her tongue flicked out as she attempted to get the taste off it, Miles offering her another chuckle.

After their lunch Miles had briefed Lea on where they could potentially find the targets he was looking for, one of the Na'vi Toruk. This was a surprise to her, having heard the legends when she was small, vividly remembering the excitement they had brought her. She wondered why the Sky people were so aggressive when it came to their home, why they needed to tear up and build on their beautiful forest and landscapes when Eywa provided for them.

Miles had offered her dog tags and a more proper outfit that matched his in order to blend in, the starchy fabric making her cringe until she got use to it. After the briefing they had ventured to to rooftop of the facility, getting ready to head out and look for they water clan that Miles had spoke of, the ones that had been housing and protecting Jake and Neytiri.

Clutching the small metal plates that hung off her neck she let out small chirps, calling her Ikran. Miles had offered a 'bird' for them to travel in but Lea had convinced him it would draw in too much attention for them, their Ikrans faster and easier to traverse the lands. The very idea of her being locked in a Sky Peoples air craft was enough to send chills down her skin, the cold dead metal reminding of her why Sky people were feared and hated by the Na'vi.

Miles however hadn't fought very had against the idea of their Ikrans, seeming to enjoy their flights together rather than have eyes on them while they held onto metal straps. Lea's eyes lit up at the sight of her Ikran, the creature letting out a relieved screech as she patted its neck.

"Are you alright? I missed you too." She spoke in Na'vi, gently connecting their bond and mounting it. She waited while Miles did the same with his, the other Sky people raising their guns at the Ikrans as loud hisses rang out. "I'd they keep doing that, they won't last long." Lea called to Miles in Na'vi, his head turning as he glanced at the soldiers.

"Stand down, if any of you shoot her again I'll personally have you shipped back home in a little sandwich bag." He growled out in English, earning a giggle from Lea as she took off, chirping to Miles to follow. It didn't take him long to oblige, holding his riffle at his hip. His Ikran hissing before pounding its wings, trailing after Lea's Banshee. With an idea of where they were going, Lea made it clear she wanted to take a quick stop at her camp, motioning with her hands that she was going 'home' before they set out.

Miles let his head hang back as his eyes closed, a small smile on his face as the sea breeze hit him, he was getting use to this rather than being cooped up in a man-made box. Lea let out a call as she rushed past him, a smile on her face as she looked back at him letting out a laugh.

He found himself lost in thought as he watched her, a smile present on his face as he watched her playful nature. She was so carefree, yet she could be as serious as a war commander when she wanted. His hand rested on his thigh as he let out his own call to her, laughing too as they raced through the air, eventually letting their Ikrans near the waters surface, the brush of the water casting small waves at their wings. As their little race went on they eventually found themselves back at Lea's camp, both of them dismounting as they moved to gather their things. Catching up behind her Mile playfully pulled on Lea's tail causing her to spin around, her bright eyes meeting his as she giggled.

"Excuse me." She smiled, her ears flicking up to him before her breath froze, his hand cupping her chin as he looked at her. The moment his hand made contact all she could hear was her heartbeat in her ears, her tail falling still behind her. Her hand moved to cup his, his thumb gently running over her bottom lip as he looked down to her full lips.

"I told myself I wouldn't, but I can't stop it now." Miles started, his golden gaze meeting hers as his free hand gently rested at her waist. Lea looked up to him in both shock and confusion as he moved closer to her, his head tilting. A silent breath left her before his lips pressed against her softly, his eyes closing and ears lying flat. She found herself freezing, eyes wide as she tasted his lips, his hand slipping to the side of her jawline as he pulled back slightly. "I think I've fallen for one of the Na'vi."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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