4 - Fushiguro Toji

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After a long day of visiting all sort of places and having a good time you all left to Jujutsu high.

"We're inside Jujutsu high's barrier."suguru said and you nodded tiredly.

"What a relief!" Riko said and you smiled at how excited she was.

"Yes..." Kuroi said while Gojo kept being silent, you almost thought that he was annoyed.

"Satoru, thanks for your hard work."Suguru said and Gojo just looked at you all.

"No more! No more babysitting."he said and you looked at him trying not to laugh at his attics.

"What??"Riko said but soon you felt a chill run trough your body as your hair started to glow.

"Guys something bad will happe- SATORU!" you said as you rushed by his side only to see a man stabbing him right trough his back.

"Impossible!" Suguru mumbled as you all looked shocked.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Gojo said grinning and the dude behind him smiled

"Don't sweat it, I'm not one to remember some dude's name either.'he said and you quickly stepped in front of Riko.

"Suguru! Take riko right now to Master Tengen, Kuroi you follow them."you said and Suguru looked at you seriously.

"Your sure that you will manage?"he said and you looked at him.

"Heh, I can't say for sure but we got no choice, don't worry, I'm a Kamo for a reason and I certainly know how to create a pool of blood in no time."you smirked as you turned to the man who attacked Gojo.

He looked familiar, you could swear that you saw him before.

"Satoru! Are you okay?"you said as Toji was busy with one of Sugurus curses.

You put your hand in his shoulder as you analysed his wound.

"Don't worry y/n, my cursed technique didn't make it in time but it didn't hit any vital organs. Amanai is the priority, Suguru! Take her to Master Tengen right now, y/n you should tag along, this guy is way too dangerous for a first year."Gojo said and you shook your head.

"I cant-"you tried to say but Gojo wrapped his arms around you pulling you away from the guy who just jumped to attack you.

"Well well well, the lovely lady Kamo, can't wait to see your father's reaction when he will find out that the sole blood manipulation user from the clan died by the hands of a zenin!"he said and you looked at him shocked.

"Zenin?? Wait, I know you! Your Toji, the man that left the Zenin clan, the one with 0 cursed energy."you said angry and he smiled.

"Finally recognized me sweetheart."he said as he got closer.

"Y/n go now!!" Gojo said pushing you away quickly.

You looked at him with teary eyes but nodded leaving after Suguru.

After you entered the tomb you tried to approach the place where riko would be but you were stopped by something that pierced through your mind. You closed your eyes and you saw Satoru in a pool of blood. You opened your eyes shocked and ran back. You didn't care if he was alright but you had to be sure that he wasn't just like you saw in your vision.

As you arrived on a long road you saw Toji in front of you. You were shocked that he already got here. That meant that satoru was indeed...

"What...your already here??"you said and he smiled.

"Hah did you think that you will get rid of me dove?" He asked and you cringed.

"Dude your ugly as fuck, so please stop making me throw up right now."you said and he scoffed.

"Would you believe that this 'dude' killed the strongest?" He said and you looked at him shocked.

"...no...you, YOU DID NOT!" you yelled as tears started to flow, you quickly put your hands on your wound making contact with the blood that you had. If what he said was true then you stood no chance in front of him, but you had to kill him for satoru and the others.

"Blood manipulation, piercing blood!"you yelled as you pointed your arms towards him, he managed to avoid all the blood shots that you threw his way.

"Hm thought that Noritoshi's grand-niece would be stronger."he said and you just smiled.

"Oi, don't you dare call me weak."you said with a smirk as you quickly grabbed your knife approaching him. You stot some blood shots that he avoided while you cut his arm revealing his blood.

You quickly out your hands in his blood and jumped away.

"Now what will you do with my blood hm? Create another Toji or what?"he mocked and you just focused 9n your technique.

"Blood manipulation: blood explosion."you said as you quickly created a big explosion. This technique requires someone's blood, after you got it you can make their blood veins explode, of course it wasn't that easy to kill someone if they dodged it in time but you prayed that he would fall into your technique.

"Oh?"he laughed as you could see some blood dripping down his arms.

"You got me there princess,but I don't have more time so see you.'he said as he quickly appeared next to you stabbing a weird weapon into your stomach.

"AH" you said as you grabbed your stomach, you tried to close your wound by manipulating blood but it didn't work.

"What...my technique..."you said as he smiled.

"I used a weapon that erases your technique for a time, now let me just."he said as he stabbed the knife in your chest too.

You fell on the ground in a puddle of blood closing your eyes.

"And with that it's goodbye to both the future heads of the Gojo and Kamo clan."he said as he left.

When he left the area you tried to go to the direction where Satoru was. It wasn't that far and when you arrived you saw him in the pool of blood that you witnessed earlier.

"Satoru!!!"you said as you knelt down to him, you didn't care if you were completely covered in blood and severely injured you had to help him.

"Huh...his pulse."you said as you got closer to his chest to hear it, he still had pulse which meant that he wasn't dead, at least not yet.

You quickly put your hands in his chest. You didn't know much about the reversed technique but your parents told you that using your blood manipulation reversed technique you could heal big wounds as well, you wished that Shoko would have showed you how it's done but you had to do it alone.

You quickly took the knife from your hip and you made a small cut on your hand. You placed your bloody hand on his chest and you closed your eyes.

A red glowing light started to form and you could feel that your blood started to heal Satoru, his wounds closing.

As you kept doing this process you felt all the power in you leave, but you were willing to take the risk for Gojo.

As you finished healing him you fell next to him. You saw satoru get up a little tired and looking around realizing where he was. When he noticed you he looked alarmed at you.

"Y/n?? What are you doing here?? And where is Toji?"he asked and you blinked weakly.

"Sorry Satoru...I tr-ied t-to stop him but he got past me and now he's....riko..."you said as you couldn't talk anymore. You closed your eyes and fell unconscious while Satoru looked at you.

"You did well, I'll go deal with him and then come back to you okay?"he said as he quickly disappeared.

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