chapter 3: greasy

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Her queue was being pulled back as an arm slithered around Ikariya's neck. 'This one's pretty.' The avatar behind her said, making her scoff. He kicked her in the back of her knees, forcing her down.

'Let go of me, you perv!' She wiggled around, trying to get out of his grip. It only made him hold her tighter.

The man behind her chuckled. 'She's a feisty one.'

Her eyes shot up to Lo'ak, looking if he was okay. He was on his knees too, squirming in the man's grip as well as the man behind him held up his hand. 'Sir, we've got a halfbreed.' He said, making the man he'd just called sir, Ikariya assumed, walk up to him before Lo'ak pulled his hands down again.

'Show them to me.' He said, looking down at him. Lo'ak just stared at him with an angry look on his face. 'Show me your hands!' He tried again.

Lo'ak slowly lifted his hand up, making a finger poke out. He was flipping him off.

'You're his, aren't you.' The large avatar said, raising an eyebrow. Lo'ak hissed at him, showing his pointy teeth. 'You're his alright.' The avatar smirked. 'Where is he?'

'I'm sorry I don't speak English,' Lo'ak started. He paused. 'To assholes.'

Ikariya snickered softly because of Lo'ak's response before she got nudged in her back by a pointy knee.

The avatar in front of Lo'ak grabbed his queue, tugging on it as Lo'ak let out another his. This time he wasn't as successful. The hiss that came out of his mouth wasn't intimidating at all, it only showed the man that he was in pain. And he enjoyed every bit of it.

'Take your greasy ass hands off of him!' Ikariya hissed. Hers was a little stronger, intimidating the man a little more than Lo'ak's.

He let go of him before the man behind him held onto his queue again. He slowly made his way over to Ikariya. Lo'ak protested. 'Don't touch her!' He yelled, trying to move forward as he was being held back.

'You're right, this one is pretty.' He said, pulling Ikariya up by her throat while tracing his gun down her jawline. 'Such a shame.'

'Let go of her!' Lo'ak yelled as she was gasping for air.

'I'm not afraid of you.' She said, looking deeply into his eyes to show that she meant it.

The man in front of her chuckled in a low voice. 'And why is that?'

'Because—' She was about to finish her sentence as a strange sound could be heard. Her ears shot up as she looked around, looking to find where she sound came from. It wasn't an animal, that's for sure. When she looked over at Lo'ak he nodded, showing that it was alright and that he knew what it was.

He didn't know how his family had found them, he didn't call anything in. It was probably just their instincts, thinking that he would be in trouble anyhow.

Suddenly an avatar next to Lo'ak got shot right in the back of his head, an arrow with a green feather sticking out.

The man holding Ikariya dropped her, turning around quickly and seeking cover as he yelled that they had company. A different man grabbed her and pulled her behind a tree to make sure she wasn't going anywhere.

Ikariya heard a "Lo'ak!" from behind a tree as he bit into the man's arm to get away.

Ikariya was about to do the same thing as suddenly the man who'd formerly held onto her, let go. She turned around and saw his body fall to the ground like a sack of nuts.

And then she saw him.

Ikariya met eyes with a boy standing behind her, holding his bow like he'd just shot someone. Which he did.

Confusion took over in her face before she felt a hand grab onto her wrist and pull her away. 'Come on, Riya. Let's go!' Lo'ak yelled, making Ikariya come back to senses as she ran with him. It was a little hard not to fall over with her hands tied together but she managed.

When Lo'ak and Ikariya got to safety, a man followed after them. 'Are you okay?' The man asked before Lo'ak nodded. He pulled Lo'ak into his arms. Ikariya could only assume one thing, it was his dad. Jake Sully. Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya. Toruk Makto.

When she awkwardly stood beside them, she heard other voices come over to them. Two other girls ran up to him and hugged him. 'You could've died, skxawng.' One of the girls told him before hitting the back of his head.

A woman followed after them, grabbing Lo'ak's arm and pulling him in as well. That had to be Neytiri. Ikariya had heard stories about her. She admired her. 'Stupid, stupid boy.' She said, holding the back of his head.

Then a silence took over. 'Wait, where's Spider?' The older girl asked, looking around.

What the hell is a Spider? Ikariya thought.

'Shit.' The very boy with the bow said as he looked up at the sky. The avatars were ascending into the airship, holding onto some kind of rope. They saw how their human friend was draped over the shoulder of their leader. He was gone.

The older girl watched in horror. 'They took him?' She cried, holding onto her father.

'He's a strong kid. He'll pull through.' Her dad told her, calming her down.

Ikariya wanted to slowly walk away. She was standing there, awkwardly staring at them, for a very long time now. Enough is enough, she thought. As she was about to turn on her heel, Jake looked at her. Well, everybody looked at her. In silence they studied her. She looked around at them, smiling awkwardly. 'Hi.' She said, making Lo'ak hit his forehead with his hand.

'Who are you?' Jake asked her.

'My name is Ikariya. I'm Lo'ak's friend.' She said, pursing her lips together.

Jake frowned. He'd never seen her before. Where did she come from? 'Where are you from?'

'The east coast, sir. I'm from the Tayrangi clan.' She said, looking at him. He looked surprised. What is she doing here then? Like she read his mind, Ikariya continued. 'Lo'ak and I have been friends for a while. We'd hang out in the forest.' She said. 'We do it everyday, actually.'

Sure, just tell them our whole backstory. Lo'ak thought to himself.

Jake looked over at Neytiri who shrugged, indicating that she too had never seen her before. 'You're coming with us.' He said, standing up straight.

'Why?' She asked him, truly intrigued. It wasn't like she didn't want it. Hell, she'd been annoying the crap out of Lo'ak just so he could take her with him. But wasn't it safer if she just went home?

'Because Quaritch thinks you're part of our family. Your clan will be in danger if you return.'

She nodded, quickly agreeing as this was probably the only time she'd be allowed to come with Lo'ak. He didn't protest either, making her smirk.

She always gets what she wants.

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