2 - mocha latte

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"It's fine," Dad says. "It's fine, it's totally fine. It's okay. You were on your way to work and you were probably nervous and it's okay. Totally. It's fine." 

You sigh in relief but then you look at him. "D-dad, are those tears? Are you crying?" 

That's his breaking point. He bursts into tears, covering his eyes with his hand. He looks at the car again and resumes his sobs. "Jesus Christ," Mom rolls her eyes at him. 

He wipes his tears away, sniffles, and puts his hands back on his waist. "It's okay. We have insurance. Nothing to worry about. My baby will be good as new." 

"Yes. I'm so sorry." 

Your dad smiles at you but his eyes are still watery. "No, sweetie, it's fine. Let's talk good stuff. When is your movie gonna air?"

You awkwardly chuckle, your hand raising to the back of your head. "It's not my movie, but it's gonna air, like, a half-year later, I think." Your phone starts ringing and you pick it out of your bag. "Oh, it's my agent. Hello?"

"Hello! We were supposed to meet fifteen minutes ago."

Your eyes shift between your parents for two seconds. "Shit." 

Hange chose a cafe for you to meet because she wanted to treat you to some cake. She's your agent but she treats you like you go beyond that. The two of you walk in and you tell her how you've never been here before. "Yeah, people don't come here as much because it's more on the pricey side, but the coffee here is marvelous. I think it's worth it. Besides, I know a guy who works here on the weekends. He's a stylist on the weekdays. Actually, I wanted to recommend him to you once you started requiring a stylist. You know, when shit starts getting busier for you." 

You love how she always uses 'when.' It shows how she believes in you, because she always has. She believed in you when you stood with shaky hands, she believed in you when you failed at auditions, and she believed in you when you didn't believe in yourself. That meant a lot to you because your friends and family may support you either way as they're supposed to. But she's a professional. And when she sees something in you, it means you have something in you.

"You like your suits and shit, right? He specializes in formal wear. He's super cool. I've known him since he was a tailor because he used to custom-make suits for me, and I think he still does that, but the point is-- he knows his shit." 

You nod while you pull your chair out to sit. "You seem to really admire him." 

She shrugs a small shrug. "Yeah, well. He started tailoring as soon as he graduated from high-school and he worked his ass off. I always respect people who work their asses off. Takes a lot to not give up. Oh, here he is!" 

She waves heartily and you twist your head around to see him, and when you do, you almost gasp in terror. Why? Just why is he here? Why did he have to sound so cool? Your heart is deflated with disappointment now. Must be the same for him because when he meets eyes with you, his smile from when he saw Hange faints and his steps slow down. 

He seems to be wearing a black shirt under his deep blue apron, his sleeves pulled up his forearms. No, you're not looking at his forearms. He walks over to you and his smile returns to his face when he greets Hange. "What can I get for you two today?"

His gaze is stuck to his pen and paper while taking your orders. Hange says they make a killer mocha latte so you ask for the same, along with a cheesecake. "Oh, and I know you always make the coffee for me, so this time, make it for her too, thank you. You make it the best." 

The guy looks at you, and you look at him. His eyes do a once-over of your frame and you raise a brow at him. He closes his book with his judgmental and grim and unfortunately pretty eyes on you, and lets out a huff. "Fine," he nonchalantly says before walking away. 

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