At the time of departure, I say goodbye cheerfully

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It was three in the afternoon in Paris, the nature filled my reflection,

I do not know if the admiration of the landscape or peace, transmitting,

I was there simply without having to worry about anything, was rest, this deep feeling.

The Eiffel tower seemed pleasantly greet me, I glimpsed,

native music resounded in my ears, the time is approaching.

Where serenity reigned, I was happy, I knew I had fought for real reasons, not junk.

I closed my eyes ... ah life! very difficult but beautiful, I regret not live;

talking to myself, no longer I had to use more words.

It sits in front of me, I smile, I understand what you mean .. Come !, she offers me a hand.

I leave this world forever, the time has come to me, I get up from the seat, and turn my eyes to what I experienced.

I feel a great sadness .. I have to go now? I asked.

She moved with negative gesture, which was supposed to be her head, she approached me and whispered, still lack one thing, I said ... what? I grieve nonsense.

She points with a finger, I follow the direction she pointed at me, look, I see my two beloved daughters with their children ... my grandchildren.

And I realize that I can not leave without saying goodbye.

I hate to do it, but it will be better for them, I reach the park .. I embrace them, I say that I love them very much ... I'm going ....

I look at the men as human, not spiritual weakness.

I cry and I look again .... and? I questioned her, she says .. it's time, I turn to her, a door opens.

Unfair and good , sad and happy, anguish and happiness world, I will love you and I will have some bad memories of you, but you'll be in my heart and I will not forget a thing;

because you were always my solace and cause of smiles on my face ...

It was three in the afternoon in Paris, the nature called me, I was overcome reflection ...I say goodbye ... I did everything ... everything I lived ... .... bye!

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