Chapter 1

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As I sit here leaning on my windowsill with my
headphones blasting music, which the whole neighbourhood could probably hear but I didn't care because it was the only thing that blocked out my parents screams. And I have been doing this for about a month, ever since Mom had the slightest suspition that dad was cheating one her, which thb he probablt was and I dont balme him she's probably the most annyoing woman on earth. You might be thinking why would I say this about my own mother, well first she always asks for money, and LOTS of it and she's always comming home drunk with the money Dad just gave her for "petrol". Anyway I change positions to my bed because it's more comfortabl and also hoping I can fall asleep and just as I thought I did fall asleep.

As i open my eyes I realised that I'm not in my comfortabl bed i'm on a really REALLY UNcomfortabl couch, and just at that moment I realise who's couch it is. It's Sean Ryders couch my cold arrogant boss that I completly despise of, I look up to see him cross leged on HIS SINGLE couch looking straight down at me, and at that moment I realised I made a BIG mistake. NO ONE in their right mind would fall asleep on SEAN RYDERS couch. Now you might think oh it's just a couch why doesnt he like anyone sleeping or even SITTING on it, well it's sort of his dead granpa's but to me it's just an excuse for people to not sit on it because he is a very big clean freak and doesnt like anyone even as close to him giving him a high five, he's just that type of person.

anyway back to the fact that I'm sleeping on Sean Ryders couch the first thing he say's is 'why are you on my couch' the fact is he just really overworked me and I haven't had any sleep in like 3 days so it was that bad and plus I just couldn't resist so is it really my fault.

'I said what are you doing on MY couch' he say's ' I was just really tired' I said with an anxious face.
'Oh um that uh I just got really tired I guess' she says nervously
'Well you can get out now' Sean says annoyed
'O-okay' you say walking out

'Few, that was a close one' you say relieved

Sorry that was a short chapter guys. Just to put some context this story is going to be in first person (I think, I failed English) so like the chapters are either going to be in Sean's pov or Leah's pov (just in case some people failed English like me)

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