Chapter 1 (Part 1)

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Training in the obstacle course makes it more realistic when everything moves quickly. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I removed my jacket and placed the gun back into position. Focusing on the target, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, preparing to hit the targets as they passed. When I opened my eyes again, target one began to move, and I aimed the gun, shooting as it came closer. The shot hit directly in the bullseye on the head as the second target began to move like it was running. Chasing the target, I aimed for the bullseye on its stomach and leg and hit both. The next course was arrow training; a countdown started, and I quickly placed the bow around my body and loaded the arrow in. Taking another deep breath as the countdown goes to number one, a timer started as thirteen bullseyes loaded, and I hit them all in order. The timer had six seconds on the wall, a new record for me; hard work pays off. Once the timer cleared, I heard clapping behind me and turned to see some of my peers cheering me on. The training gym was next to the obstacle course, so I headed inside to get my gym bag together to leave. The training gym has a boxing ring, track, climbing wall, and locker rooms. King Tamyen was planning to change things, but inside the woman's locker room, it was usually empty unless a warrior's wife or child had to use the bathroom. Unlocking my locker, I looked around, ready for the change that was to come, before placing my equipment inside and locking it back to head home. I threw my bag around my back and headed out the locker room door, ready to leave, when Ken stopped me.

"You were amazing out there as normal," Ken complimented. I thanked him, and he headed inside the locker room while I headed to my car. My ride home wasn't long, and I had to get ready for tonight, so I decided to head straight in to shower and find something to do with my hair. Tonight was a double celebration, one for King Tamyen and the other for a special announcement. My phone vibrated on the bathroom counter as I exited the shower, and I wrapped my towel around my body, picking up the phone. Karna, my childhood best friend, texted me asking if she could get ready at my place, so I told her to come over. While I waited for Karna to arrive, I danced in the mirror, lotioning my body. I was moving my hips to the beat, dancing in my little world, when I heard a knock at the front door. Opening the door, Karna walked in happily and took her shoes off, placing them on the rack by the door. She put her bag in the second bedroom and returned to meet me, still smiling hard.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked.

"Well, I met a cute warrior, and we've been getting to know each other," she replied.

She said she would tell me his name once they got more serious in case I wanted to do a background check. Since the celebration would start soon, we both finished getting ready, and Karna curled my hair after I curled hers. We took some cute pictures in my full-body mirror, and I stood back, looking at us as Karna kept posing. She was wearing a black long-sleeve midi dress with a tie around the front, while I wore a thigh-length red wrap dress cut out in the front with a ruffle trim. My phone alarm rang, signaling it was time to go, so we grabbed our purses and left the apartment. When we arrived at the castle, the guards read a list and let us enter, directing us to the west entrance. Music blasted as we got the car and headed inside; the guards checked again before allowing us into the ballroom. There were a lot of familiar faces from training at this party, so it wasn't hard to mix and mingle. Ken approached, looking very good. He was a five-foot-eight-inch man, 21 years old, a 2nd-level training officer with light brown skin and dark brown eyes. Ken wore a black blazer, a white button-up undershirt, black jeans, and all-white sneakers with his locs pinned up. He guided us to a table, where we sat down with a few other trainers; we talked about work until they announced King Tamyen was entering the room. We all stood as Tamyen walked into the room, gaining all the attention; his face stayed emotionless while scanning the room. Tamyen's eyes locked with mine once he looked at where I was standing, and he kept looking until he walked up the stairs. Everyone sat back down once Tamyen stood at the microphone, and I couldn't help but look him over. There was no doubt that Tamyen was a very handsome, tall man with brown eyes and dark brown skin. Tonight he wore a red and black floral blazer, a black button-up undershirt, fitted slacks, and patten leather dress shoes. During his speech about how honored he was to take over as king, he would glance at me, and I couldn't help but stare back.

"My parents prepared me young to take over the role of king. It is my honor to be your leader," he said, causing everybody to clap.

The party continued after Tamyen exited the stage, but I excused myself to get a drink. As I approached the table, grabbing a cup, my hand touched someone, and I looked up and saw King Tamyen. Smiling, he looked me over like I did him. He walked closer to me, making small conversation when the 3rd-level training officer Roi interrupted. Roi apologized for interrupting but said he must speak to Tamyen about something private. They walked away, and I grabbed a drink heading back to check on Karna, who I left talking at the table. Other people were dancing, so I held her hand and moved to the dance floor. When our feet got tired, we returned to the table to sit for a moment. My purse vibrated; I opened it, pulled out my phone, and read the notifications. The number wasn't saved, but only one person would text me, asking me to meet them upstairs. Excusing myself again, I told Karna I would return and headed for the stairs next to the ballroom, which led me upstairs to an open area. When Tamyen placed a jacket around my shoulders, the wind was blowing strong, causing the night air to be cold. Turning around, Tamyen stood there with his hands in his pocket and the same smile as before. He led me to a table and chair, and we sat silently, looking at the view around us.

The castle has had other celebrations I didn't attend. Before, I would send love and a gift, but not this time. This party honored the new King of Ishome, so I wanted to be there. "I didn't think you would come," he said.

"This night is a celebration for you, so, of course, I had to come," I replied. He looked at me and nodded before telling me to stay until the end since his announcement was coming up later. We headed back down, and I entered the party seeing Karna and Roi dancing on each other; he must be the warrior she met. Tamyen walked past me but grabbed my hand as the music slowed. My eyes widened because everyone at this party would see us slowly dancing together, and he knew better than that.

He placed my hands around his neck. We danced for one song, maybe three, and noticed the little looks we would get from people. One innocent dance could make the face of Ishome news, but I couldn't break away from him. We separated once the last song ended and he headed for the stage while I went to get something to eat. Tamyen tapped on the microphone getting everybody's attention.

"Tonight has been outstanding, and I thank you all for celebrating me, but I have a final announcement. My father chose his guards and right hand the day he took over as King of Ishome, but I needed more time to review the many great candidates for the position." A man approached the stage handing him an envelope. "Tonight, I will be naming the three that I have chosen. If everyone could sit, we can get this started," he opined.

First on the list were his guards; he opened the envelope and read off Ken's name as a video of him playing in the background ending in his fighting stats. Then it was Roi, who had only been a training officer for a year and moved up to level three, beating many men that have been here longer than him. Last, it was time for him to appoint his right hand. A right hand is the king's eye when he can't see and his ears if he can't hear. A right hand was essential to the king, like blood is essential to the heart.

"Only one person on the Island of Ishome has remained undefeated and ranks number one. I appoint the new right hand to the Island of Ishome, Davine Rihan," Tamyen says, making everyone clap and cheer. Karna was excited next to me while I was in shock, trying to see if I had heard him correctly. My mouth was full of potato chips when the light flashed on me, and I was stuck. My heart beat faster when Karna grabbed my hand and led me to the stage stairs. She gave me a thumbs-up and told me to go, and I made my way up the stairs. Ken and Roi clapped for me again as I stood next to Tamyen on the stage. He informed everyone that he would announce later when the welcoming ceremony for us would happen. Everyone gave us another round of applause as we exited the stage, and Ken and Roi came up to me, congratulating me, and I did the same for them. At least I know the people I would now have to work with daily. 

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