Chapter 1

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I'm feeling weird I have no clue how to start the story so let's start it off with khrisy Teagan. It started on Wednesday. I wasn't feeling well at all. My stomach hurt all the way to my ass. I remember sitting down in the middle of the road thinking to myself "why am I like this" " why does no one understand" "what can I do to better myself" I really thought about taking the three pink pills out of my pocket but then an old lady approached me, she told me I was very beautiful, for a black girl. That was the end of it. I went to my friend fancy Angie's house and that's how it began. That's how it ended as well.

Khrisy Teagan has always been my best friend from day 1 she's never left my side, she's a bit bipolar but you know it's fine because I can be at sometimes too. We are planning to meet up after school to go to a party that we were invited to, we're never really invited into things but I guess this time we were, khrisy Teagan is a white,black,Asian, and Mexican girl who I'm guessing goes by blasian, she has curly hair and her self confidence is high she's an ICE SPICE DUPEEE. But uhm besides that we are kinda close , we were getting outfits after school well I was getting a simple outfit she was gonna wear a uhm simple silk dress because she be wearing that type of stuff but yeah.

I never really liked parties to be honest, we would get invited but secretly I would burn the invitations. However this invite was different, I made sure she received this invitation. She wanted to dress nice so we're going to the mall. Hypothetically speaking I fucking hate dresses but I wanted to fancy Angie happy for once. We've had a strong connection but something has been feeling so off lately. Her favorite color was blue so I made sure I got that shade in a knife.

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