Chapter: 8 March 2022 Part 2

Start from the beginning

It was your lunch time and they were filming in the greenhouse. It was going to be so much more difficult to hide on this set since it was basically in the woods and they had all the tents lined up next to each other. You had switch shifts with another person so there wasn't a chance Mia could figure out where you were - at least you hoped she didn't know you were here. You poke your head out and see a few of the crew hanging around along with a couple of the cast members, Gwendoline Christie was actually all dolled up and you had to simmer your inner fan girl down as she stood there talking with Hunter. You hadn't met her yet and there was a reason for that. You'd probably trip over your words and give her a Benadryl instead of a Tylenol and then she'd fall asleep and hate you and you'd get fired and and and, just Thank God she used a runner for anything she needed.

You head out of the tent towards the crafts/food tent which was across the lot. You were so busy thinking about Gwendoline Christie and how you didn't know her middle name that you completely missed the sound of hurried foot steps behind you. In fact you had pulled out your phone to look up her middle name when you were abruptly tackled from behind, falling onto the grass with someone's body weight on you. Your phone fell out of your hand landing a couple feet away.

"Jiminy Crickets!" The words slip out before you could even think as you land on the ground trying to catch yourself, the wind getting knocked out of you.


The shout was so loud that everyone and everything around you went silent as they stared at the both of you laying on the ground. Crap!

"Mia!!" You hiss immediately starting to push her off of you. "Are you nuts?! We aren't supposed to know each other." You whisper as you crawl away from her and pick up your phone, checking to make sure it wasn't broken. What was with these Ortega girls and your phone flying out of your hands?

"What? Why? HEY EVERYONE! I KNOW Y/F/N SHE EATS AT MY PARENT'S HOUSE EVERY SAT-" This time it was you tackling her as you covered her mouth with a look of panic in your eyes. What the heck was she on? She knew very well that Jenna and you were hiding your relationship from everyone on set - except for Emma now. Not that there was anything to hide since you were on a break right now to begin with.


She licks your hand and you cringe sitting up, wiping your hand on her jacket. "Gross. What a child."

"See! Nobody cares!"

You look around taking in the expressions on everyone's face. They either didn't know who Mia was or didn't care who you were. In fact, a lot of them had already gone back to talking. Your cheeks start to turn red as your gaze goes back to Gwendoline Christie who had been staring at you both but had started talking again to Hunter. Oh, Hunter, who was now looking at you with his eyes wide. Eh, You'd let Jenna handle that later. Whatever cover story she came up with would be fine with you. YAY Mental health break!

"Did you...Did you just Jurassic Park me?!" You get up off of the ground and hold your hand out to her now not being able to get the stupid grin off of your face. God you missed her. If Jenna wasn't available and you had to choose someone else to be your partner in crime you'd pick Mia in half a heartbeat. The shenanigans you both got up to and the stories you'd tell afterwards would make anyone gasp. They weren't like, illegal shenanigans more like childish ones.  Hide and go seek in the mall, putting sugar in her salt shaker or one time you got a portable CD player, stuck in some random CD and then placed the headphones around her vent duct and pushed play. Hilarious. Took her a few hours to figure it out, she has yet to pay you back!

As soon as Mia stands you are pulled into a tight hug, you felt as if she was trying to suffocate you. You wrap your arms around her too, hugging her just as tightly.

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