"There could be a chance that he likes you in the same way, Y/N," Seungmin lowered his voice to draw little attention to the pair. It would be disastrous if someone discovered Y/N's silly crush right away. "I've seen the way he looks at you."

"Don't get my hopes up," Y/N hissed. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I'm being serious," Seungmin raised his voice to defend himself. "Look, we'll just wait and see what he does. If he'll make the first move."

"Are you sure that's the best idea? What if it's too late for me to confess?" Y/N stated worriedly.

"I think you're overthinking it, don't worry. Just give it some time." Seungmin sighed, exasperated. "There'll be a right place and right time for that."

Y/N nodded slowly. "Thank you, Seungmin. Especially for helping me through this."

"Of course. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," Seungmin smirked, locking his locker, and turned to look at the shorter girl.

"You better not tell anyone," Y/N huffed, shoving Seungmin gently. "Especially not Jeongin."

"I won't, don't worry," Seungmin stated in an almost frustrated tone.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. Y/N walked to her respective class, parting ways with Seungmin. She placed her camcorder on her desk, as it was her usual routine to record the periods of her class time before it was time for lunch and extracurricular activities.

Y/N rested her chin on her wooden desk, mindlessly scribbling on her paper as her teacher droned on various formulas, quadratics, and whatnot. She continued this process until it was the next period, and so on and so forth.

After several periods of doing nothing but mindlessly learning, Y/N walked to the cafeteria, taking her usual spot between Seungmin and Jeongin. She ate her meal in silence, not wanting to look at Jeongin.

"Y/N? Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet," Minho noted, breaking from his conversation with Jisung, staring with concern at her.

The others' eyes looked at her, analyzing her carefully. She sweat nervously from the amount of attention drawn to her, her earlobes and cheeks flushed.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Y/N smiled, wishing that they would continue with their meal without looking at her. She felt pressured.

"Are you not feeling well?" Minho asked.

"Hyung, stop pestering her. She doesn't like it," Jeongin intervened before Minho could pressure Y/N even further. "She can listen to us talk if she wants."

Minho turned to look at Jeongin, raising an eyebrow. After a few moments, the table returned to their respective conversations, and Y/N was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You seem overwhelmed," Jeongin averted his fox-like eyes to look at Y/N, his voice low. "Was it because of the others?"

"Sort of," Y/N chewed her lip nervously, her heart swelling. She didn't want to admit it was because of a crush so Jeongin didn't suspect her.

"Alright. I can tell them to lay off for now," Jeongin hummed, eating his food, continuing. "Halloween's coming up, do you have any plans?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Y/N glanced at him, then back at her lunch tray.

"Well, the guys and I are dressing up and going to a party. I was wondering if you'd be interested in going." Jeongin offered.

"Sure, but I have no idea what to be," Y/N chuckled, looking at him.

"You could be my Harley, I'm going to be Joker. It'd be nice to match," Jeongin smiled simply.

Y/N laughed, smiling at the idea. "I'd like that."

"Nice! The party's going to be at Chan-hyung's house, I can give you the address," Jeongin took out a piece of notebook paper, scribbling Bangchan's address onto it, handing the unevenly ripped paper to Y/N.

"Thanks, Jeongin," Y/N's smile lingered on her lips as she tucked away the notebook paper into her pocket, her eyes occasionally landing on his brown eyes. His eyes connected with hers for a few seconds before Y/N broke away out of nervousness.

After tearing her gaze away from Jeongin's, she looked over to look at Seungmin, who was giving her a teasing smirk. Y/N huffed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. If the others were to find out about her crush on Jeongin, she would never hear the end of it from them.

Y/N sighed, the school day now over. She silently walked home, staring at her camcorder, which contained the memories that she and her friends shared, and was the key component in her meeting with Jeongin.

What is she going to do..?

[End of VHS tape]

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