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                      𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖒 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖙𝖍 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐

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𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖒 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖙𝖍 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐

See, Haechan was a normal student like everyone else, Haechan's life was ordinary; he went to school and lived at home, especially when he had his own modest house. Haechan's mother was more insane than other mothers. She wanted a daughter and had three sons, so she made him the daughter since he was close to appearing feminine. She made him practice in heels and made sure he dressed and acted like one.

The first time Haechan was presented in school, he was renowned because he was recognized as the pretty guy in school

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The first time Haechan was presented in school, he was renowned because he was recognized as the pretty guy in school. Of course, he had heard some cruel things come out of their mouths, but he had gotten used to them ever since the beginning of middle school.The following time he went to school, he discovered that the affluent students did anything they wanted while the poor got in trouble or were arrested for no reason. He didn't like the group of buddies he nicknamed "The Four Plus." Because four people are following the additional one, there is only one group.

He noted they would target those who were weaker than them, and even today, while following them into a gym, he noticed something was wrong with the female they were toying with: she would strangle herself.

He subsequently learned from the nurse that her name was Moon Dong-eun. Fortunately for him, he awoke early in the morning and placed a camera in the gym, filming and listening to them since they were attempting to do whatever job they could.

 Fortunately for him, he awoke early in the morning and placed a camera in the gym, filming and listening to them since they were attempting to do whatever job they could

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Let's say it was Haechan's time. He was flaunting all over the place, modeling brands, and as a result, he had more fans than the previous time. He wouldn't stop there until something came down from the past, making him take a break from everything. He still does side things and posts on social media, but what made him take a break was when he met Dong-eun.He was simply casually heading into a restaurant he didn't know and wanted to test it, but he ended up knocking into someone he didn't recognize and apologized.

"You're usually the one who apologizes." Haechan gasped before turning to face the woman.

"Dong-eun!" Haechan almost shouted and was ready to hug her when the past resurrected.

"Hello, Haechan, or Lee Donghyuck," Dong-eun stated but Haechan just smiled.

"How come you've gotten so far and I've never actually gotten to see you?" Haechan asks Dong-eun, who smiles slightly.

"Time has changed, and I need your assistance!" Dong-eun spoke out, and Haechan listened intently, willing to assist her with anything she needed.

"I'm running low on supplies, and this woman asked me to assist her." Haechan cut her off with a question.

"How much is it?" Dong-eun looked shocked as Haechan spoke.

"I'm looking for 50,000 or more?" Dong-eun only replied with 50,000 when Haechan inquired.

"I'll send you 80,000." Haechan was cut off by Dong-eun.

"I don't need that much assistance," Dong-eun stated, and Haechan nodded.

"Sometimes you have to let others help you, but is there anything more I can do for you?" Dong-Eun looked around before returning his gaze to Haechan.

"Yes, but it should be expressed privately," Dong-eun stated, and Haechan understood what she meant, so he grabbed the napkin, took a pen from his purse, and wrote down his phone number before handing it to Dong-eun.

"Thank you and good luck!" Dong-eun remarked, and Haechan nodded as she walked away.

"Her vengeance has begun; I hope you make it Dong-eun fighting!" Haechan thought to himself.

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