Part 2 "Warnings and Memories"

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As Doc and Rainbow Dash flew over the forest, he wondered what the letter would say. Would it say that his master was disappointed that he left? Or would it say that he's in big trouble for not helping and leaving to go somewhere else?

Doc shook his head. Keep it together, Doc. Don't cry. He thought to himself. He couldn't help but think what the letter would say. Tears formed in his eyes as they streamed down his cheeks. 

"Doc, are you okay?" Asked Rainbow Dash. 

"Yeah. I'm fine, Rainbow.” Doc said. He rubbed his eyes, wiping the tears away. “Are we there yet? I could really use a hug right now.”

Rainbow Dash smiled softly. “Well, you don’t have to wait any longer, Doc. We’re here.” She said, as she landed on the ground. Doc got off her back and stared at the front door. He was scared. “Doc, whatever that letter says, I want you to know that Daring and I can help you no matter what happens.”

“Thank you, Rainbow. That makes me feel a little better.” Doc hugged the pegasus. Rainbow wrapped a wing around the wolf. She was glad that Doc was feeling better, at least she hoped it stays that way. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Rainbow smiled. She walked up to the door and knocked. She waited as she heard shuffling coming from inside. The door opened as Daring Do nearly fell over a stack of papers. 

“Rainbow Dash? Dr. Wolf? What are you doing here?” Asked Daring Do. 

“Hey, Daring. Sorry to drop in unannounced, but we, well, Doc is here for something that you have.” Rainbow Dash said. She looked at Doc. He was clutching his chest, feeling scared. “Remember those two letters you found on your last adventure?”

“Oh, you mean the ones from that library I found? Yeah, I still have them. Why?” Daring said. She looked at Dr. Wolf, who was still trying to keep himself together. “Doc, sweetheart, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

“I… I need to see that letter, Miss Do.” Doc said, shakingly. “I can explain everything later, but right now, I need to see what it says.”

“Of course. Come on in.” Daring Do said. The three walked in, closing the door behind them. “Just sit anywhere you two, and I’ll go grab those letters.” Daring walked to the other room, leaving Rainbow and Doc by themselves. 

Doc looked around the room. There were many artifacts that Daring Do had recovered from her past few adventures. There was the Doomed Diadem, the Eternal Flower, and copies of the relics of Marapore since she couldn’t take the actual ones. 

“Here they are.” Daring Do said. She held the two letters in her hooves. 

Doc saw the letter with the ribbon, and began remembering his time back with his master. He then looked at the opened letter, and began to tear up. He sniffed as he walked up to Daring Do and took it. Doc took a deep breath and looked at it. 

My dear apprentice, 

If you ever see this, then it means I failed to teach you the ways of magic. I constantly studied in this library, hoping that maybe I could teach ponies and creatures alike about the magic we’ve discovered here. But I was wrong. When I left you in the library, I was hoping to find one spell that could help you. But instead I found something awful. This place… it’s not safe. Whatever was trying to drive us away, it’s gotten stronger. Do not return here. Do not come back for me. Whatever is hiding in this place, it’s trying to get out. I managed to hide from it while writing this. So, wherever you are, my dear friends, do not come back. This thing… It wants to play. Don’t come back! Don-......

Dr. Wolf then looked below the writing. Whatever was in the library, it had written a note.

You sound fun, wanna play?

Memories of the Equestrian Wolf 2Where stories live. Discover now