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Hi!!! This is a revised version of Soft Robotics. Not a sequel. I personally think it's different enough that it's worth reading if you liked the first one, but who knows lol.

It's the same bare bones story, so I can't really call it anything but "Soft Robotics," but nearly everything about it is very different. The writing style is different, pacing, new plot lines, new conflicts, a metric fuckton of new scenes, more detail, etc. I kept the stuff I thought was working best, which was Bucky and Grace being weird together.

I've been working on this version for a while—doing research, plotting, drafting, etc. It's been taking time away from updating my other fics, so I decided to just sort of do my revisions live on here, uploading as I finish each new chapter, to at least maintain a bit more activity on my account. Proof of life, you might say. Proof of continued Grucky interest, lol.

I was originally planning on putting these revisions into the original version instead, but I decided to leave that one up because it's a bit of a time capsule for me. I was updating nearly every day that summer, just kinda messing around... I didn't have much direction with it. It's kinda fun and chaotic to me still in that form. And I love the in-line comments on that one; I'd hate to see them all go.

Content Warnings: Some elements of this one are a little bit darker in tone than the other. Grace has past sexual trauma from Rumlow.

I may also add additional warnings as I keep writing—potentially new kink warnings. Pls be cool about it lol.

Anyway, here we go.💖💖💖

Poetic Justice (Soft Robotics 2.0)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora