When They Find You Asleep

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Michael Myers:

He found you asleep at the dining room table. He really wasn't one to sleep very much, but he understood that it had been a long day. Your boss had just assigned you a new project, and given you half the time you actually needed to do it. He ended up just carrying you back to your bed to make sure you didn't hurt your back. He really thought it was adorable, but you'd never hear him say that.

Jason Voorhees:

He nearly had a heart attack when he saw an arm hanging out of a tree. After all, he hadn't put any bodies up there. His anxiety became far worse when saw that it was, in fact, your arm that was hanging from that tree. However, after realizing you'd fallen asleep while reading, he ends up leaving you there to rest. He was honestly happy to see you so relaxed.

Freddy Kreuger:

You were sound asleep at your desk after doing hours of work, and of course, this shitty little schemer decided to do something that no one should do to another person while sleeping. He slid an ice cube down the back of your shirt. You immediately woke up, and proceeded to clobber your stupid ass boyfriend for his stupid ass pranks.

Billy Loomis:

That party last night had been something to behold. And by that, I mean you'd gotten insanely drunk, ended up with your shirt off dancing on a table, and the next thing you knew you were sound asleep on that table. Billy saw you the next morning and knew damn well that you'd have one killer hangover when you woke up. He brewed you some coffee and got you some Advil. Then, he woke you up and made sure that you took the damn medicine.

Stu Macher:

As for why you were out cold on your lawn, no one quite knew. If you were awake, you surely would've been beyond fearful for the Astroturf beneath you. Stu had come to drop off a textbook he'd borrowed, and saw you laying on the ground. He was automatically worried that something bad had happened to you, but upon realizing you were just asleep, he started laughing. He'd have to ask you what was up when you woke up. For right now though, he carried you back inside and set you on the couch, then curled up with you and fell asleep asking with you.

Norman Bates:

He just saw you asleep on his living room couch. He thought it was beyond cute, but he also didn't want you to wake up sore. He was a bit nervous to do this, worried about what his mother might say, but he ended up bringing you up to his bed and letting you rest there instead.

Bubba Sawyer:

This sweet baby found you asleep in your car after a long drive. He wanted to wake you up, but he was scared he'd freak you out. Despite that, it was really hot out and he was really worried about you. Eventually, worry got the best of him, and he woke you up. He brought you inside out of the heat.

Nubbins Sawyer:

Nubbins found you on the damn floor. How did he find you, you ask? Well it's quite simple! He tripped over you. Fell flat on his face like the dumbass he is. He woke you up, obviously, and you both had a good laugh about it. He's dumb, but oh boy do you love him.

Choptop Sawyer:

You fell asleep in this man's bed (which, by the way, smelled quite heavily of weed) by accident. Upon discovering your sleeping form, his immediate reaction was to jump back in fear. He hadn't realized it was you at first. However, when he did, he was even more surprised than before. You? Falling asleep in his bed? Son of a bitch, it was a dream come true!

Thomas Hewitt:

I really wouldn't recommend falling asleep in the bathtub. Neither would Thomas. He freaked out when he saw you snoring in the bathtub, and immediately shook you awake. He was beyond glad he'd found you when he had, lest you drown because he wasn't paying attention.


It's not so much where you sleep that bothers chucky, rather than how you sleep. That is to say, you could fall asleep on the stairs, and he wouldn't care. However, he can't stand, or more accurately, refuses to admit that he can stand, when you cuddle him. He hates that you hold him like a text bear, and genuinely wishes that he could be the big spoon, but of course, he couldn't do that if he tried, soooo...

Tiffany Valentine:

She found you passed out on the rug in the living room. She thought you liked adorable. She normally would've moved you, but she instead opted to lay down with you and take a nice long nap.


Honestly, you just feel asleep on her shoulder. She almost cried because of how nice it felt to know you cared about her like that.

Billy Lenz:

Please, hun, don't fall asleep around this man. Not unless you want a real good scare when you wake up. You fell asleep in that living room chair. Obviously, his reaction to this was to sit down next to said chair and stare at you. You had a damn heart attack when you woke up later.

Brahms Heelshire:

This sweet boy was just watching you through the walls. He saw you in your room, getting ready for bed, and when you fell asleep, he just stared at you admiringly. 

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