" no like seriously you didn't need to touch his lips.. " I huffed

" my apologies brother I swear I've got my own love over here. " she laughed going to sit back down with rotxo

" good " I rolled my eyes and grabbed anoung hand pulling him away

" what was that about? " he laughed

" my sister was touching your lips. " I said

" your so childish it's cute " he said kissing my cheek and waking to my pod

" anoung! " tuk giggled running up to us

" mother said you two act like a couple and that you would be cute together !" tuk giggled

" really? " I said getting excited because my mother might support me

" yeah but it was supposed to be a secret and mama said we don't share secrets! " tuk said

" we won't tell anyone okay tuk. " anoung smiled

we walked into the pod and greeted mother who was wiping dads head

" what's happened " I asked turning to see lo'ak sitting in the corner

" your brother decided it would be a brilliant idea to use a machete. And scar my head a bit while trying to impress Tsireya. " father laughed

" you are alright sir? I can get my sister to apologise for her actions? " anoung asked

" no it wasn't her fault it's fine. " father turned 2 seconds to glare at lo'ak

" well I didn't know you were going to appear out of no where?! " lo'ak exclaimed

Mother was laughing while helping father who was arguing back and forth with lo'ak

" maybe I should get going home I don't want to be here while there's an argument. " anoung bowed his head

" no no! You must stay I'm making food ! It will be tasty ! " mother smiled stirring the soup with her free hand

" if you insist ms. " anoung smiled

" how close are you and my son? " she questioned

The room went silent

" close enough to be standing in our pod right now. " lo'ak snarled

father slapped the back of his neck

" manners boy! " he shouted

Anoung chuckled

Mother stared at me and then at anoung and back to me and smiled I felt my cheeks burn a bit and my stomach feel tingles

" here anoung come try " she said holding out her spoon with her hand underneath making sure no soup drips on the floor

Anoung slurped the soup off the spoon and stood there trying to process the taste

" that's really nice! " anoung said licking his lips

" thank you it's a home specialty but that's not it we have the seaweed wrapped xoins! "

" what's a xion? " anoung asked

We all stared at him

" a xion is sweet fish with sea grapes and chopped up vegetables and the seaweed forms as a spoon as you put o all of. The food in the seaweed spoon and pour a bit of soup in . " father explained

Anoung nodded

" it will be finished in a minute! " mother said

" anoung I'm sorry about my family! " I whispered in his ear

Mother stared at us

" it's fine " anoung laughed

" you guys must be close hm? " mother said stirring her soup with a warm bubbling noise in the back

Father stared at her and blinked and went back to fighting with lo'ak

" well. Yes. we are close friends " I said

" indeed. " anoung nodded

" well if you say so. " mother chuckled
Shaking her head

We looked at each other confused then looked at her

" what do you mean ? " I said

" nothing really. I'll call you inside when the food is done okay.? " mother smiled

We nodded and walked outside heading towards the ocean

" do you think she knows? " anoung asked

" I don't know.. my mother is a really smart woman "  I said

" okay. It's nothing to worry about because at least we know there's a possibility she would probably support you okay babe? " anoung said putting his hand round my shoulder

" yeah.. I guess.. "





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